The industrial Builder works with a professional angle grinder to cut bricks and build interior walls. Electrician.

Whether you're a newbie or someone who's been involved in health clubs for years, there are fitness terms that you should be aware of. It's always interesting to learn the meanings behind each term to determine how they can contribute to your fitness journey. Listed below are ten common fitness terms and their meanings: Cardio Cardio is the short-term for cardiovascular or cardiorespiratory exercise, making the heart pump nutrient-carrying blood and oxygen to the muscles. These exercises are commonly performed on stationary bikes, treadmills, and elliptical runners. Cardio aims to provide cardiorespiratory health benefits. Burning The word 'burning' in fitness terminology refers to the feeling due to the accumulation of the muscles' metabolic waste, resulting in fatigue. Acidosis, or the change in blood acidity, heightens the levels of hydrogen ions and lactic acid. This condition is experienced when a person feels a burning sensation in the muscles. Burning is also a sign of the recovery period that must allow the body to get rid of the metabolic wastes and replenish new nutrients to the muscles. Plyometrics Plyometrics, also called 'plyos,' is a term used to describe the muscles' physiological impact when doing jump training and other explosive movements. Soviet sport scientists developed plyometric training, which was originally called 'shock training.' It is essential to perform only a few repetitions to achieve the best level of force results possible. Core Training One of the most famous terms when it comes to fitness training is core training. Almost every personal fitness studio provides core training programs. The term 'core' refers to the muscles found in the body's midsection (including the 'six-pack' in some individuals). The core is considered the body's center of gravity. Activities related to core training include lifting an object, walking, moving from a place to another, and other movements that use the rib cage, spine, and pelvis. Metabolic Conditioning Metabolic conditioning is a fitness terminology used to describe a high-intensity exercise done until you experience muscle soreness and being out of breath. Any type of exercise that involves muscle contraction can be considered metabolic conditioning. Even standing from your chair requires your metabolism to energize your muscles. Toning Typically, the goal of fitness training services is to tone up the body and get into shape. The term 'tone' refers to the look of well-defined muscles. It is also a short term for "tonus," a technical word for the state of contraction of normal working muscles. Utilizing the muscles repeatedly on strength training activities will result in contraction, thus, creating a well-defined appearance. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) This term is often used to describe exercises that are done at maximal intensity. It is a cardiovascular exercise, a form of interval training that alternates short periods of intense exercise with little recovery time. For individuals who have been living a sedentary lifestyle or dealing with a chronic medical condition, simply walking for several minutes can be deemed as "high intensity." Mind-Body Mind-body is a common term to describe some types of exercise such as Pilates or yoga. These exercises are done with body weight and require focus to execute difficult sequences of movements. Any physical movement that needs activity patterns, learning, and cognitive focus can be classified as mind-body technically. Muscle Confusion Muscle confusion is a term that describes the physiological impact of organizing exercise programs periodically. Sports scientists in the Soviet Union developed this periodization concept. The idea is that high-intensity exercises must be followed by a period of low-stress exercises. In that way, the body can effectively recover from the various workouts and let the body adapt physiologically. Tabata Named after the Japanese scientist Dr. Isumi Tabata, this term refers to a certain protocol of high-interval fitness training of 20-second intervals. This is followed by a 10-second interval for recovery, performed for eight cycles or a total of 4 minutes. Conclusion Every fitness program aims to help individuals to be a better version of themselves. Choosing to have a healthy body requires persistence, passion, and responsibility. Part of every fitness journey is to be well-rounded with the critical things about your health and wellness routine, starting with knowing the important terms related to health, fitness, and exercise. The Fit Factor Personal Training takes pride in providing exclusive fitness training services. If you're looking for a reliable fitness training program in Wellesley, then we are the best place to visit. Start your fitness journey with us!

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