While it may not come as a surprise to know that a strong foundation is the most important part of the house, most people may not know exactly why. It’s definitely responsible for supporting the entire weight of your home, but there are other factors that can affect the durability of your foundation, like the type.

There are plenty of things to consider when setting up the foundation of your house. Where is it located? Is it near a body of water or a swampy area? What kind of soil is in the area? Arming yourself with this knowledge will help you pick the right foundation for your house, which will eliminate future stress and headaches.

Here are some of the different types of foundation you’ll want to consider for your house:

Strip Foundation

This type of foundation is used in swampy areas. It’s specially designed to provide a strong and sturdy foundation while giving way to flowing water from the swamp so that it does not rise up. Strip foundation is made of a mix of concrete, cement, and aggregate, as this combination of materials is proven to be effective in a waterlogged environment.

When setting up this type of foundation, a substance called a damp proof membrane must be applied on top of the aggregate. This prevents the passage of water into the concrete, keeping the house dry.

Slab-on-Grade Foundation

This type of foundation makes use of a slab or a single layer of concrete that is several inches thick. This is usually placed on top of crushed gravel to help transfer the house’s weight onto the soil. This is most suitable in areas of warmer temperatures, or where the ground doesn’t freeze. The edges of the slab are thicker to make an integral footing, which is further supported by rods. This can be used in areas with clay soil.

Drilled Pier Foundation

Similar to the slab-on-grade foundation, the drilled pier foundation is best used in areas with clay or sandy soils. As these soils are soft and loose, a robust foundation made of concrete, cement, and aggregate is needed to give optimal support to a house. This type of foundation provides the strength needed when supporting a structure in clay soil, as they are installed deep into the soil where it is drier in order to provide more stability.   

Raft Foundation

Also known as a mat foundation, this is a long, continuous slab that stretches over the entire base of the house. It supports the building while also shifting the burden of the weight to the ground. This type of foundation is typically used in areas where the soil is weak. It’s also used for those who would prefer to have basements in their house. That’s because this type of foundation is created by excavating soil several feet below ground level in order to reach stronger and more compact soil.

Bottom line

It’s important to choose the right type of foundation for your house. Otherwise, it might cause problems that lead to foundation failures like cracks that will compromise the structural integrity of your house. Having the right foundation will not only help you save money from foundation repairs, but it will also help shield your house from natural disasters and also help make your house earthquake-proof.

Red Robin Masonry is a masonry company in Toronto, Canada. We specialize in home restoration and masonry services to make sure your structures are robust and well-maintained. Have some questions about your house’s foundation? Get in touch with us today and we’ll see how we can help!

The foundation is a critical part of your house that always needs your careful attention. When done correctly, it will keep your home stable through any weather that comes your way. If it starts to fail, however, the effect will be felt in the entire house as it will result in instability. In extreme cases, a faulty foundation can even cause the whole structure to collapse and make the building uninhabitable.

While foundation repair will certainly require the expertise of a structural engineer or a home restoration service, faulty foundations can be rather easy to notice. Before you are faced with extreme foundational issues at home, here are four signs of a faulty foundation that you should keep an eye out for:

1. Long, gaping cracks on the floor

As you should be aware, ground movement is relatively common, and it is normal for your foundation to slightly sink and for hairline vertical cracks to appear during the first two to three years after construction. However, seeing even a quarter of an inch climbing horizontally across your walls can mean that your foundation is experiencing more movement than what is considered normal. If you see cracks at a 45-degree angle, the foundation can be compromised, meaning that you need to seek professional assistance immediately.

2. Uneven floors

While cracks are definitely the most obvious sign, you should also check if there are portions of the house on the same level that feel lower or higher. One way to check is to place a ball on the floor in the center of the room and see if it consistently rolls away in one direction. You can also pour water and see if the puddle moves in many directions. If it flows consistently to one side, you know that your floor is not level.

3. Windows not closing

Because windows are designed to fit with an opening made during construction, any movement within the foundation will show cracks and gaps where the window frame and walls meet. Often, homeowners will notice that the windows no longer line-up or close properly and merely assume it as a faulty installation. However, this can also be a sign of the walls shifting due to an unstable foundation.

4. Doors are not lining up with their latches

Sometimes, doors that refuse to close may be caused by improper installation, but it often is also a tell-tale sign that your foundation has shifted, and your walls are no longer aligned. This is especially true if you see gaps where the wall and the door frames meet. Similar to windows, doors are also designed to fit flush to your walls. A crack or gap on top of the door frame will likely also appear as a consequence of a foundation that has moved.

Causes of moving foundations

There are many causes of a moving foundation. Often, it is a result of subpar construction work, where workers fail to compact a soil properly before laying the foundation. This results in structural failure as the foundation is vulnerable to water damage, and the soil is too soft to support a structure.

However, vibrations can also cause the soil to move. These vibrations can come from nearby construction or earthquakes. Vegetation can wreak havoc on your foundation as well. Tree roots, in particular, will grow around and under your home’s foundation and cause the soil to shift as it looks for water.


While good construction practices will come a long way to ensuring a stable foundation for your home, movements in the earth will often cause structural problems. Remember that cracks will often start small as well. Because of this, it is best to keep yourself aware of any signs of potential foundation issues and contact a reputable home restoration service before the issues accelerate.

Red Robin Masonry is your best option for foundation repair and other restoration services in Toronto. If you want to ensure a safe foundation for your home, get in touch with us today to see how we can help!

When Is the Best Time of Year for a Foundation Repair - Our Guide

If you suspect a problem or are on the hunt for a new home, it’s important to consider when the best time of year is to have your foundation repaired. Nobody enjoys the expense that comes with a major repair but leaving it too long can cause more problems in the future. In any case, you might be wondering when to get your foundation repaired in the first place. Here’s what you need to consider.

During the Winter

From mid-December to March, the ground is considerably colder, which makes your home foundation more stable and easier to monitor for damage. In most cases, experts believe this is the best time to repair your foundation or tend to cracks. This is because stable soil prevents any damage from worsening. However, getting a foundation repair during this time of the year can mean having to postpone vacation plans, which is usually a big enough deterrent for most homeowners.

During the Spring

From April to June, heavy spring rains can cause cracks and, even worse, make them weep. At this point in the year, while doing spring cleaning, you’ll need to monitor these cracks on a weekly basis. Because foundation problems tend to be more obvious during this time of the year, you might be better off hiring home restoration services to assess the damage themselves.

As Soon as They Come

Though some experts may recommend getting your repairs done during certain times of the year, the correct time to do so is as soon as you notice any problems or damage. Waiting for a certain time of year or for specific conditions to become more apparent only allows your foundation problems to worsen and repair costs to skyrocket.

Remember, there are experts for a reason! What might look to you to be a minor inconvenience may just be the underlying problem to a much larger repair. The longer you put off your repairs, the longer you might have to wait to get an appointment at all. As the damage worsens, you won’t just be paying with your time or money—extreme cases might force you out of your home altogether.

That being said, here are signs of any foundation issues that you’ll want to look out for:

  • Hairline fractures or cracks in your base
  • Sloping, sagging or buckling of your floors
  • Large ruptures or gaps
  • Flaking and crumbling of major foundation
  • Moisture or mold
  • Water damage or soil shifting (soil that is unusually wet or unusually dry for the season)
  • Sagging or warped floors
  • Warped ceilings
  • Cracking, crumbling, or buckling of walls, pillars, moulding, joints, or chimneys
  • Improperly fitting doors and windows due to warped crevices


No, your home’s foundation isn’t going to collapse as soon as you spot a tiny crack—but it can if you leave the damage to worsen. There is no “right” season to get your foundation assessed other than when damages occur. However, you will want to get your home evaluated annually, to avoid any oversights.

Looking for home restoration services in Toronto? At Red Robin Masonry, we’ve got the tools! Equipped with the best inventory and masons in the city, we guarantee quality at competitive prices.