waterproofing in Toronto

Property owners face myriad challenges; among the most critical is the foundation’s potential exposure to moisture and water damage due to its direct contact with the ground. Homeowners and property managers must take the necessary precautions to safeguard their property’s foundations against such damage, which can lead to costly repairs or premature failure.


In this guide, we will discuss the importance of foundation waterproofing, delve into the diverse methods used to secure foundations from moisture intrusion and highlight the benefits of employing our services for all your property’s waterproofing needs. Our goal is to ensure your understanding of foundation waterproofing’s significance and how it can help you maintain the structural integrity and comfort of your property.


Join us in examining the complexities of foundation waterproofing and how Red Robin Masonry stands ready to safeguard your property against potential harm, ensuring that your investment in our services offers the peace of mind you deserve.


The Importance of Foundation Waterproofing


Waterproofing your property’s foundation is crucial for several reasons. Maintaining structural integrity and proper foundation waterproofing provides long-term benefits and problem prevention. The key benefits include:


  1. Preventing water damage: Moisture intrusion can lead to foundation deterioration, causing structural instability and expensive repairs. Waterproofing effectively forms a barrier between your foundation and external moisture, keeping it safe and secure.
  2. Preserving property value: Waterproofing helps maintain your property’s value by preventing foundation damage and ensuring structural integrity – essential factors considered in property valuations.
  3. Mould and mildew prevention: Excessive moisture can result in mould and mildew growth, posing health risks to occupants and potentially causing unpleasant odours. Waterproofing keeps unwanted moisture at bay, protecting your home environment and indoor air quality.
  4. Improved energy efficiency: When water infiltrates your foundation, it can influence your property’s insulation capabilities. Waterproofing ensures a more energy-efficient home by preventing thermal transfer through the foundation walls, thus reducing heating and cooling costs.


By understanding the importance of foundation waterproofing, you can be proactive in protecting your property from damaging water infiltration, ensuring a safe and comfortable living environment.


Types of Foundation Waterproofing Solutions


There are several foundation waterproofing methods available, each with its advantages and limitations. To determine the most suitable solution for your property, it’s important to consider factors like soil type, property age, and local climate. Below are some of the most common foundation waterproofing solutions:


  1. Exterior waterproofing: This method involves excavating the area around your foundation walls to apply a waterproof membrane or coating. Exterior waterproofing forms a barrier on the external wall surface, preventing water penetration.
  2. Interior waterproofing: Also known as interior weeping tile systems, this solution involves installing a drainage system beneath the basement floor connected to a sump pump. This method redirects water away from your foundation to protect against leakage and flooding.
  3. Drainage solutions: Ensuring proper drainage around your property can be an essential aspect of foundation waterproofing. This may include sloping your landscape away from the foundation, installing gutters and downspouts, or implementing a French drain system.


Seeking professional guidance is vital when determining the optimal waterproofing solution for your property. We can assess your unique situation and recommend the most effective methods for ensuring a dry and secure foundation.


Deciding on the Right Waterproofing Solution for Your Property


Selecting the appropriate solution for your property’s foundation is a decision that must be carefully considered. Here’s a three-step guide to help you make an informed choice:


  1. Evaluate your property’s needs: Take into account factors like your property’s age, construction materials, location, and unique features, such as the presence of a basement or crawl space.
  2. Consider the best solution for your budget: Weigh the cost of various waterproofing solutions against their effectiveness, as well as the potential savings and peace of mind they can provide over time. Prioritizing long-term benefits is essential.
  3. Consult a trusted professional: Our skilled team can assess your property and make recommendations based on their experience and expertise, ensuring that the chosen solution is appropriate for your property’s unique needs.


By following this guide, you can arrive at an informed decision that guarantees optimal protection for your property’s foundation.


The Red Robin Masonry Difference


As Toronto’s most trusted masonry company, we are committed to providing high-quality foundation waterproofing services. By choosing our team for your waterproofing project, the benefits you receive include:


  1. Individualized assessments: Our team takes the time to evaluate and understand your property’s unique waterproofing needs, recommending tailored solutions to ensure optimal protection.
  2. Skilled professionals: Our knowledgeable and experienced staff employ the latest techniques and materials to provide superior foundation waterproofing services.
  3. Comprehensive solutions: We offer a range of waterproofing services catering to your property’s requirements. Whether it’s exterior waterproofing, interior systems, or drainage solutions, we have you covered.


Partner with Red Robin Masonry for Expert Foundation Waterproofing


Choose Red Robin Masonry to secure your property’s foundation and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with trusting a reputable service provider. Our team’s expertise and dedication to excellence ensure the protection and long-lasting durability of your home or commercial property. Contact us today for foundation waterproofing in Toronto and invest in a service that guarantees the stability, comfort, and value of your property for years to come.

masonry company in Toronto

6 Common Signs That Indicate Foundation Problems: Our Guide


Your home’s foundation is integral to its overall structure, ensuring its stability and long-term durability. However, like any other aspect of your property, your foundation may develop issues over time. 


Early detection and timely repair by a masonry company can save you from costly damages and potential hazards. This post will discuss some of the most common signs of foundation problems and what you should look for to protect your home and family.


  1. Cracks in Walls, Floors, and Ceilings


One of the most apparent signs of foundation problems is the appearance of cracks in your home’s walls, floors, and ceilings. Hairline cracks are relatively normal, as they often result from the natural settling of the house. 


However, larger cracks, especially those wider than 1/8 inch, may indicate more severe foundation issues. Pay close attention to any cracks that appear suddenly or worsen over time, as well as those that follow a stair-step pattern along the mortar joints in brick walls.


  1. Sloping or Uneven Floors


Have you ever noticed your floors appearing uneven or sloping in certain areas of your home? This could be another sign of foundation issues. 


A simple way to test this is by using a level on various points of your floor. If you find that it is not level, you may want to consult a foundation repair professional for further evaluation. Keep in mind that some settling is normal, and slight slopes may not always indicate a significant problem. But, if the slope is significant or worsens over time, it may signify a shifting foundation.


  1. Sticking Doors and Windows or Not Closing Properly


Doors and windows that become difficult to open or close or seem to stick in their frames can also be a sign of foundation problems. As your foundation shifts, it can cause your door and window frames to become misaligned or warped. 


This can result in gaps around the edges or difficulty operating them. While sticking doors and windows can also result from humidity and temperature changes, it is essential to rule out foundation issues as the cause.


  1. Gaps around Doors, Windows, and Exterior Walls


As your foundation settles or shifts, it can cause gaps to form around your home’s doors, windows, and exterior walls. These gaps can indicate structural issues and may also lead to drafts, water damage, and pest infestations. 

Have a masonry company regularly inspect your home’s exterior for gaps and note any changes or widening of these spaces, as this could indicate a worsening foundation problem.


  1. Bowed or Leaning Walls


If you notice that your home’s walls are bowing or leaning, this can be a serious sign of problems in the foundation. 


As it shifts, the pressure on the walls can cause them to bow or lean. In some cases, you may also notice horizontal cracks along the walls, denoting increased pressure on the foundation. Bowed or leaning walls can be a severe issue, and it is crucial to address them as soon as possible to avoid further damage or potential wall collapse.


  1. Water Damage or Pooling Water


Water damage or pooling water around your home’s foundation can mean drainage problems, which can lead to foundation issues. If water is not adequately directed away from your foundation, it can cause the soil beneath to become oversaturated and expand, putting pressure on the foundation walls. 


This can lead to cracks and shifting of the foundation. Ensure your gutters and downspouts are functioning correctly and that water is being directed away from your home’s foundation.




Detecting foundation issues early on is crucial for maintaining the safety, stability, and value of your home. By watching for the signs mentioned above, you can take preventative measures and address any potential problems before they escalate. If you suspect you may have foundation issues, it is essential to consult professional home restoration services. They can assess the situation and provide the necessary repairs to guarantee your home remains safe and structurally sound.


Are you in need of a foundation repair service? Red Robin Masonry strives to be the most reputable and dependable masonry company in Toronto, delivering award-winning home restoration and brick repair solutions. Contact us today for a free estimate!

masonry services in Toronto

Even if there hasn’t been recent physical damage to your home or place of business, it’s still crucial to regularly check the brickwork to ensure it’s still standing. 


Bricks and stones will eventually decay despite being durable materials that can withstand time. It can be simple to ignore masonry damage when it first appears until it has proceeded to a much more serious stage and requires more extensive repairs. 


Here are a few indicators: masonry problems in your building may need to be corrected before they worsen, and where to find home restoration services in Toronto. 


Cracks Near Windows and Doors


Even though your windows and doors aren’t composed of stone or brick, they can still be trusted as early warning signs of more serious issues. 


When masonry, such as crumbling mortar, fails to keep moisture out, humidity seeps into a building’s internal walls, compromising the stability of the structure. This flaw will eventually show up as moving window sills or edge cracks.


A recognisable sign of a shifting wall, which can be brought on by anything from interior damage to a sinking foundation, are fissures that extend outward from the corner of a door.


Crumbling Brickwork


If your brickwork is starting to crack, that is the most obvious sign that it needs to be fixed. Even though you should pay attention to every crack you notice, some are frequently not a problem, while others are red flags for more severe issues.


Minor cracks or gaps between the bricks in L-shaped foundation portions are typically not a problem and can be easily patched. 


However, if you see significant fractures like those in stairwell steps, you should immediately call a masonry repair expert. This type of crack, which shows that the wall is stressed and aging, is typically caused by something like a clogged gutter forcing water downward.


Missing Bricks or Mortar


When entire bricks or mortar strips are missing from your building, that is one of the easiest signs that something is wrong. 


Since weight distribution is carefully considered throughout the construction of bricks and mortar, missing components show that your building is not operating as it should. The issue will only get worse with time.


You must have the area fixed as quickly as possible if bricks or chunks of mortar are missing. 


Determine whether the bricks were harmed by moisture damage, high vibrations nearby, or other circumstances with a specialist providing masonry services in Toronto.


Sagging or Sticking Out Wall


The aesthetic attraction of stone buildings, with their neat small rows and sharp edges, is one of their most alluring features. But if you observe any spots drooping or expanding (internally or externally), it can signify a more serious issue.


The weight of the building may not be distributed evenly as it settles, which could result in sagging. Similarly, the house won’t be able to maintain itself if its support structures are insufficient or destroyed. 


As a result, walls could begin to sag, altering their original design and ultimately lowering their ability to disperse the power of the building. These places may deteriorate or perhaps collapse if they are not corrected.


Sticky Windows and Doors


Naturally, everything in your building functions as a unit. This implies that if your doors and windows start acting up, the issue could not be with those components. 


If your brickwork is shifting due to foundation problems, water damage, or other problems, your doors and windows could become stuck when you try to open them. They could be more challenging to operate or harder to close. This may be a sign that you need to fix your masonry.




Brickwork on your structure should last for many years, but you must take safety measures to ensure any issues are discovered as soon as possible. A professional masonry company in Toronto will give your building new life and maintain it sturdy and resilient for many years.


Red Robin Masonry is Toronto’s most trusted masonry company. Our masonry services in Toronto include brickwork, chimney work, parging, stonework, and much more! Request a quote today!


foundation repair in Toronto

Over time, the structure of a house might sag due to a variety of external factors, such as weather changes and unstable soil. This can cause serious structural problems throughout the entire house, ranging from bowing walls and drooping floors to complete foundation failure if it is not discovered and corrected.


Results of a professional foundation investigation should be a crucial part of the purchasing process for property buyers. 


Knowing how to identify foundation problems early is crucial, whether you intend to sell your house, search for a new one, or stay in your current one for many years. This will save you a lot of time, money, and hassles.


The details of your home’s foundation are covered in more detail in the sections below, along with advice on when you should call a foundation repair company.


What to Know about Foundations


Understanding how to recognize foundation problems before purchasing a home is essential so that you can address them before closing. Request a professional home inspection that covers the foundation to safeguard your investment. 


Many states, according to Trulia, demand that homeowners disclose foundation problems when selling their homes.


In order to safeguard their investment from present homeowners, buyers should request all the documentation on prior home repairs if the house has had foundation work done. 


If there are issues with the foundation, it’s important to create a strategy to fix any small issues as soon as possible in order to prevent them from becoming bigger issues. 


Even minor leaks or cracks might signal a bigger foundation issue and spread swiftly. Buyers may ask the seller for a price reduction if significant repairs are required to cover the typical cost in the neighbourhood to make them.


Things to Look Out For


Here are crucial signs to watch out for to spot foundation difficulties at their earliest stages before they worsen.


  • Cracks in columns, walls, or flooring, close to windows or doorways
  • Sticking windows and doors that are harder to open over time
  • Gaps between windows and doors that allow water or pests to enter
  • A crooked chimney
  • Bowing basement walls or sagging or slanting floors
  • A musty stench and mould, rot, or mildew growing in the basement or crawl space
  • A front or back stoop or porch that is sinking
  • Unaccounted-for water damage in various parts of the house


The stem wall of your home, which rests on top of its concrete foundation and serves as the framework for the home’s construction, is joined to other walls and floors. 


Because of this, a problem with the foundation of the house might result in floor and wall cracking and damage throughout the entire building.


Foundation Settlement


A foundation will eventually change when the earth beneath a home shrinks and becomes unstable. The contrary, known as foundation heave, happens when soil gradually rises over time, typically as a result of settlement in nearby places. 


Additionally, foundation damage can be brought on by hydrostatic pressure, flooding-related water damage, faulty pipes, or inadequate outside drainage.


The most typical foundation issues are not just a result of time. In actuality, both the weather and the soil can have a significant impact. Because of this, prospective homeowners must request a professional foundation check before making a purchase. 


Contrary to popular belief, a home’s age is not the primary predictor of any concealed foundation issues. Unfortunately, homes of all types and ages can experience foundation problems.




No matter how adept you are at spotting problems with a home’s foundation, it’s essential to rely on professionals before making a sizable new investment. You may learn what actions to take to secure your foundation and protect your house by getting a free inspection from the top foundation repair specialists in the area.


If you need a foundation repair in Toronto, Red Robin Masonry is the company you should call. Our masonry services include brickwork, chimney work, parging, stonework, and more. Call us right away to get started!


6 Signs Your Brickwork is Already Beyond Repair

Brickwork is crucial to the integrity of your home, but over time it can be damaged by extreme weather conditions, physical abuse, and other factors. Whether you notice cracks running along the walls or other signs of damage, it might be time to fix your brickwork before more serious damage occurs. However, sometimes even a simple repair just wouldn’t do it. Check out the following signs that your bricks need a replacement.

Cracks on Corners

Cracks in the corner of a wall or on a building are common problems. Though it’s a little hard to do, try to touch the crack with your finger. A sharp and solid crack will feel sharp on your finger too. That kind of crack means a serious problem. Likewise, a diagonal line to the corner usually means that the foundation is not solid, so the wall is likely to collapse. Make sure that the crack has not deteriorated further before calling a pro to fix the problem.

Missing Bricks

Missing bricks from your wall can sometimes mean that your entire wall is about to collapse. If you notice that some of your bricks are missing, you may want to check for cracks around those areas. It is possible that the larger cracks have already been discovered, and the bricks were already removed to prevent problems.

Bad or Loose Mortar

Loose or bad mortar can be a sign of a more serious problem. It’s a sign that your wall is not properly tied to the foundation of your home. It can also mean that your foundation has shifted or is no longer solid. It’s a sign that a professional should look at it, so never wait for the problem to get worse.

Crumbling of Stucco or Plaster

Plaster and stucco are common in old homes or in homes with Mediterranean-style architecture. They can last for over a century, but if cracks start to form, it’s a sign that your wall is too weak to support your home. It’s a sign that a professional should look into it and make sure that the wall is properly tied to the foundation.

Mildew on Bricks

The presence of mould or mildew on your bricks indicates that there is something honeycombing your bricks. It’s a sign that you need to look deeper into the problem. Mould is often a precursor to serious damage like mud and drywall damage, as well as termite damage. The most effective solution for mildew is to replace your bricks entirely.

Overall Deterioration

It is easy to hide the imperfections of a wall just by putting a coat of paint on it, but even that won’t cover everything. Old and worn-out bricks can be an eyesore, but they can also be a sign that your home is about to collapse. The wall may be too weak to support the roof, especially if it’s a large home. Make sure that you get a professional to look into it as soon as possible to prevent any bigger problems.


If your brickwork is damaged, it’s best to immediately have it repaired before it gets worse or, better yet, replace the bricks if necessary. The longer you wait, the more you’ll pay, and you might have to pay a lot more to fix the problem. Consider hiring a professional if you notice any of these signs and if you aren’t sure what the right solution is.

Red Robin Masonry is an award-winning company with over 30 years of experience as a contractor. Whenever you need brick repair services in Toronto, our team is here to help. Contact us today to request a quote.

Retaining walls are often an essential part of landscaping. The primary purpose of a retaining wall is to hold soil behind it. But there can be many benefits to a retaining wall. For instance, they can improve accessibility, add value to formally unusable properties, and visually enhance a particular space.

While the concept of a retaining wall may seem simple, a few things could go wrong if you’re not careful. Here are some of the most common mistakes you can make when building a retaining wall.

Not Hiring a Professional to Design the Wall

There’s more to building a retaining wall than just stacking some concrete blocks. Certain engineering science is involved to ensure that the hydrostatic pressure of the water-laden soil does not end up destroying the wall. By underestimating the engineering involved and designing the wall yourself without professional help, you will most likely end up with a poorly engineered wall. So, it’s best to leave the designing of the retaining wall to the professionals.

Failure to Procure a Permit

In most places, you will need to procure a building permit before you can start work on the retaining wall. However, in some instances, additional requirements may need to be met. For example, you might need to get permits from the community level to the municipal level. Permits from state environmental agencies may also be required.

Improper Wall Construction

When you don’t focus enough on the wall construction, your retaining wall may structurally fail over time. In fact, retaining walls are known for being one of the most frequently ruined construction projects.

There are several mistakes in construction that you could make. For one, not using the correct specialized techniques for your material of choice could be disastrous. To help you avoid this mistake, here are some tips you must be aware of.

When building a stone wall, you’ll need to have a sloped back and other specialized skills. For concrete walls, sufficient rebar is necessary. And for wooden walls, you’ll need to have dead-man anchors. Segmented walls, on the other hand, would require a geogrid to tie them back to the ground. And in general, you must have a well-compacted base and a properly done footer.

Poor Drainage

As mentioned before, hydrostatic pressure could easily destroy your retaining walls. Thus, it’s important to have adequate drainage to relieve this pressure. This is especially true when working with non-pervious walls, such as brick, brick veneer, concrete, and mortared stone.

Typically, retaining walls would require outlet points, a gravel envelope, subsurface drainage along the bottom, and weep drains at the appropriate intervals. But if you have a segmented wall, you may be more at ease when it comes to drainage. This is because segmented walls are dry-stacked and allow the water to flow through.

In Summary

Retaining walls are often one of the most frequently botched construction projects due to the number of things that could go wrong. To ensure your retaining walls can stand strong and firm, you must never underestimate the engineering involved, pay attention to the construction, and provide adequate drainage. And, of course, don’t forget to procure the appropriate permits to start on your project.

Put up a well-designed and well-constructed retaining wall with the help of Red Robin Masonry. We are an award-winning company that provides masonry services in Toronto with a full warranty. At Red Robin Masonry, our top priority is to bring you the quality and service you deserve. Get a quote now!

Spalling Bricks: Common Causes and How to Fix Them

Brick masonry is a beautiful thing to behold. That’s why many homeowners choose masonry for their homes. Unfortunately, it can be prone to damage like every other home. For masonry, spalling is a common occurrence.

Spalling is when brick masonry deteriorates to the point where considerably big amounts of brick are falling down from the structure itself. The crack starts out small, but if left unattended, it can grow bigger. Aside from that, the spalling can spread to other locations on a surface, which is why it should be fixed as soon as it happens.

So how can you fix spalling bricks? We have listed everything you need to know below.

What Causes Spalling

Like other forms of home damage, many things contribute to spalling. However, the most common source of damage is water. After all, water erodes rocks, which bricks are made of. In turn, it weakens the masonry, especially if there’s water trapped in the structure itself.

How can water enter masonry? Well, there are several ways. Rainwater hitting the masonry, poor drainage, and wet soil are some of the most common. Moisture is also something that becomes a problem because it can weaken the masonry as well.

Many homeowners turn to non-breathable sealants to prevent water from entering the masonry, but what they don’t know is that it can do more harm than good. If sealants are applied, the water inside can’t escape anymore, which can cause spalling.

Common Areas Where Spalling Can Occur

If your home is made with masonry, there are common areas where spalling often occurs. These include:

  • Underneath window sills
  • On walls, specifically the lower half
  • Around doors and stairs
  • Near or around downspouts and drainage systems
  • On bricks that are covered with soil or dirt

Fixing Spalled Bricks

The best way for you to determine how much damage has been done by the spalling is to tap on the affected areas, then take note where the damage appears to cease. If the spalling extends about three quarters of the structure, then extra measures need to be taken when it comes to repairs.

As long as the problem isn’t beyond repair, any experienced mason can fix it. Usually, repairs are done by replacing bricks and mortar. The repairs have to be done with precision and the proper tools, and the replacement bricks and mortar should also match the rest of the structure. In some cases, though, repairs are done by simply reusing and turning the affected bricks around, provided that other sides are free from damage.

Before letting your mason work on repairs though, make sure to properly identify and remedy the cause of the problem. If you don’t do this, spalling may still happen even if repairs are done.

Spalling Prevention

Once repairs have been done, you should take it upon yourself to prevent the issue from ever happening again. You can install high-quality water systems that prevent water from reaching masonry structures. Using breathable sealants will work as well.


Spalling can be a daunting thought for a homeowner with a brick home, and seeing the damage is even scarier. Luckily, there are many experienced masons who can handle the problem flawlessly. Aside from that, there are also ways that the homeowner can prevent spalling from happening.

Red Robin Masonry prides itself on being the best provider of quality brick repair services in Toronto. If you notice that your home has small damages, don’t delay because it will just grow bigger. Contact us immediately and let us solve the problem before it gets worse!

Many grand houses have been made from bricks, as they have become a go-to material for homeowners because of their apparent benefits. Bricks offer strength and durability, but despite its many advantages, it’s not perfect and can sometimes be subject to damages.

For this reason, lots of brick houses need to be reinforced. Tuck pointing is the process that’s done to strengthen and support brick houses.

The questions remain—what exactly is tuck pointing, and should you have it done for your home? In this article, we’ll shed some light on the matter at hand. Read on below to learn more.

Understanding Tuck Pointing Better 

Tuck pointing is the intricate process of removing and replacing the mortar joints within the brickwork of your home. On a related note, almost any wall has a sort of a tuck pointing job; it just so happens that it’s more often found in brick homes. Ideally, tuck pointing must be redone every 10 to 15 years for it to be effective.

Masonry contractors do tuck pointing jobs. Most of the time, they will need to determine how many repairs are required. There are instances where spot tuck pointing is done, just working on smaller joints in the brickwork. However, most tuck pointing jobs are usually doing all of it.

Why It Has to Be Done

If your house doesn’t have any kind of tuck pointing whatsoever, you’re just doing yourself a disservice. Tuck pointing is essential for the following reasons:

  • It’s what holds your house together.
  • If bad tuck pointing is in place, water intrusion can happen, attracting mould in the walls. Mould can contribute to the structural degradation of your home.
  • Water intrusion can also cause basement flooding.

When Mold Growth Occurs

If the tuck pointing isn’t done well, there will be gaps in between walls. These gaps are what can cause water intrusion, which in turn attracts mould. Mould can also cause your home to smell bad.

When basement flooding happens, it likely goes all the way up to the top of your walls. If you can’t detect it immediately, chances are it will leave some signs, such as stains on the wall or chipping if the walls are painted.

This is often what many masonry contractors miss. The gaps are small, but they’re big enough to cause water intrusion. To test whether or not it can happen, water tests are usually conducted with the help of a hose.

Tuck Pointing Costs

Like most businesses in the realm of construction, masonry contractors offer varying prices when it comes to tuck pointing jobs.

The standard prices are usually somewhere between $500 to $2,000 for 100 square feet, making it $5 to $25 per square foot. However, other factors have to be taken into account, such as the location of your home or how much work is going to be done.

Homes with chimneys are often deemed separate jobs. For tuck pointing chimneys, the price is usually somewhere between $10 to $25 per square foot. Ideally, the price for chimney tuck pointing jobs goes up to $200.

Keep in mind that prices are often subject to change depending on your mortar’s condition. For this reason, it’s best to consult with your contractor to know which works best for you.


Tuck pointing is a necessary measure to prolong the lifespan of your home. Not only does it add to durability, but it also increases the property’s value. As long as you have tuck pointing in your home, you can guarantee that you will be safe within its confines.

Red Robin Masonry Prides is one of the leading providers of masonry services in Toronto. We believe that your home is your most significant investment, which is why we’re here to make things happen for you. If you need masonry services for your home, don’t hesitate to give us a call!

The Better Option: Concrete vs. Stone

Concrete and stone are useful for many things when it comes to paving driveways, making walkways, building patios, and constructing retaining walls. If you are interested in finding out which one of these two popular materials would be the best for your next project, we’re about to finally discuss it and reach a verdict.

Now, let’s assess all the factors into consideration before arriving at a final conclusion. Which is the better option for your construction project: concrete or stone?


Understanding Stone

Stone is not manufactured in a factory, but is rather produced from several natural ingredients that are slowly formed in the ground over thousands of years. Pavers made of natural stone have a quality that is difficult to ignore.

There are several explanations behind the premium price that often comes with stone materials.  First, supply is limited. It takes many thousands of years for stone to form in the ground. And second, the stone quarries must be excavated out of the earth. While the initial price is more expensive for stone, it may require less upkeep because of the variety of strengths, such as granite’s low porosity and high durability, which makes it largely resistant to stains.

There are certain factors to consider when utilizing natural stone for a retaining wall, pillars, or other kinds of upright structures. One good example is that between the stones there are usually tiny holes and cracks, meaning drainage may become an issue. Instead of using towering retaining walls, which are more costly, stone uses shorter retaining walls which are less expensive.

Some stones, such as granite, have varied capabilities, which may lead to a more lasting end product if used in place of concrete. Both concrete and stone may require sealants to keep them from deteriorating.

A striking feature of stone is that it seems stunningly different every time and its classic appearance cannot ever go out of style. If you don’t want to use mortar or specific connections, consider stone to form retaining walls. It’s important to keep in mind, though, that stone is unsuitable for heavier traffic or larger walls.


Understanding Concrete

Concrete is not made of natural materials and is formed at a manufacturing plant by using various raw materials mixed together. Cement, aggregate, pigments, and dyes are combined to make concrete. Since concrete pavers cost less to make, they are an inexpensive alternative.

While concrete typically costs less to acquire and install compared to stone, it may turn out to be more expensive in the long run. The former is more likely to break and will exhibit cracks in time. Concrete is cheaper to build, but it costs more in terms of routine care, as cracks and other evidence of wear and tear must be filled in. Even so, the material maintains its strength for a very long period if it is well maintained and kept in good shape.

Although concrete is affordable, it also comes in multiple colour and shape options. Concrete, however, cannot appear the same as natural and ancient stones. Concrete is also vulnerable to cracks, and constant repair is required.


The Verdict (Conclusion)

Since purchasing and installing concrete is cheaper, it does not imply that you do not have any extra expenditures to bear. Cracks are common in concrete, and this adds to the overall cost of upkeep. Additionally, stone will start at a higher price, but it will offer a distinctive aesthetic that you can not get elsewhere. It is likely to be durable as well, which means your patio will look good for a long time.

Putting these two materials side-by-side, it may be difficult to come up with a final verdict. But ultimately, this is a decision you’ll have to make based on the task at hand, and on your particular tastes. Trying to discuss concrete or stone materials with masonry specialists can help you decide on the finest option.

Are you looking for masonry services in Toronto? Red Robin Masonry has a track record of being the best in the field. We offer you first-class tools, industry expertise, and well-trained professionals. Don’t hesitate to call us and get your FREE estimate today! 

Bricks have been used throughout the years both for their material strength and aesthetics. Many old structures built with bricks are still standing strong to this day, and many of them have been given special attention through repairs and restoration. 

Are you thinking of acquiring a house built with bricks? If so, you need to be prepared if it needs a major restoration or up to what extent it needs repairing.


Difference Between Brick Repair and Brick Restoration

Brick repair focuses on a certain number of bricks or a particular section of bricks that needs replacement because of sustained damage. It is important to replace old bricks that may have compromised structural strength. Early signs of wear may be a simple gap or noticeable cracks in one or two bricks.

On the other hand, brick restoration is about restoring the bricks to their brand new and original look. Restoration is more commonly used to preserve buildings, especially the ones built decades or centuries ago. This involves removing and replacing old masonry before refinishing, usually done for the entirety of the structure rather than just certain spots and areas. Included in the process is improving structural integrity to be able to stand the test of time.

These two terms are often interchanged but keep in mind that repairs are for minor and quick fixes while restorations are intensive projects for the building’s overall improvement. To determine which is best for your building, it is highly recommended to hire masonry contractors in Toronto to assess what is needed to ensure the structure will stand strong for another century or more!


Types of Brickwork

Determining the type of brickwork you’re dealing with is a good start for assessing the repairs you could possibly need. There are only two categories, the first of which is brickwork in mud. This is the cheapest and most basic type among masonry services, as mud is the medium through which bricks are joined together. The second category is brickwork in cement, which, as the name suggests, uses cement to join bricks together.

Brickwork in cement is further classified into three different types. First-class brickwork uses cement made with lime mortar and bricks with sharp edges and surfaces. These come in deep cherry red or copper, are regularly shaped, and made of completely burnt good earth. Second-class brickwork, meanwhile, uses ground-moulded bricks, giving an irregular shape with a bit of roughness. They are strong, highly durable, and are usually burnt in kilns. The third-class brickwork uses bricks of poor quality, having rough and unfair edges. They are not recommended for areas that experience heavy rain.

It’s best to use first-class cement brickwork for your building and for general use as it is the strongest and most durable among the three. Nevertheless, the other two classes have their own purpose and particular benefits. 



Bricks that are significantly damaged might be beyond your prowess and most probably need expert hands. Hiring professionals for your repairs and restoration services in Toronto is your best solution. The cost will depend on the severity of the damage, the type of brickwork to be done, and how much needs to be repaired. But keep in mind that when it comes to masonry, safety and durability must be your top priority!

Red Robin Masonry can help you cater your brick repairs, restoration, and maintenance needs. Our qualified professionals can take on any project, big or small, with exceptional quality of service in mind. Our competitive prices and guaranteed quality will provide you with the best value. Contact us now so we can start the brick repair in Mississauga!