brick repair services in Toronto

Brick is a classic building material that has been used for centuries to construct various structures, from homes to commercial buildings. There are many reasons why brick is a superior design option among a variety of different materials.


In fact, here are eight simple reasons why brick is an excellent choice for your next building project:


1) Natural Sustainability


Brick is a naturally sustainable product. If you didn’t know, it is made from clay, which is a renewable resource and does not require any additional energy to produce. In addition, brick can be recycled and reused, making it an excellent choice for various building projects. It’s possible to get brick repair services in case of any damages as well, just so you don’t have to resort to replacements right away.


2) Eco-Friendliness


Another great reason to choose brick is that it is eco-friendly. As mentioned in the previous point, brick is made from natural resources, which means it does not require any additional energy to produce. On top of that, it does not create any harmful emissions or toxins, making it a safe choice for your building project.


3) Energy Efficiency


Brick is also an excellent choice for energy-efficient buildings. It provides good insulation and thermal mass, which helps regulate the temperature of your building. This means you won’t have to use as much energy to heat or cool your building, which is great for the environment and your wallet.


4) Energy Conservation


Aside from efficiency, another advantage of brick is that it helps with conserving energy conservation. It is a highly durable material that can last for centuries with proper care. This means that you won’t have to replace your brick as often as other building materials, which can save you money in the long run.


5) Sound Insulation


Brick is also an excellent choice for sound insulation since it absorbs sound, so your building will be quieter overall. It can help reduce noise from both inside and outside of your building. This is great for both your personal comfort and the overall safety of your property.


6) Resistance to Fire and Heat


Brick is naturally fire-resistant, which means it’s an excellent choice for buildings that are in high-risk areas for fires. This includes both residential and commercial buildings. It’s also resistant to high temperatures, so it can be used in regions that are exposed to high heat.


7) Durability in the Exterior


Brick is a very durable material, meaning it can withstand a considerable level of wear and tear. This is extremely important for buildings that are exposed to the elements, such as wind and rain. It’s also great for areas that see a lot of foot traffic, as it won’t show wear and tear as easily as other materials.


8) Overall Style


There’s a simple appeal to brick since it has a very classic and timeless look that can eventually be utilized in a variety of ways. It can be used to create a traditional look or to add a modern touch to a building. It’s also a very versatile material, as it can be used for both the exterior and interior of a building.




Brick is an excellent choice for any building. It has many benefits that make it an ideal material for both residential and commercial buildings. It’s durable, easy to maintain, and it has a rather classic look that will never go out of style.


Seeking brick repair services in Toronto? Red Robin Masonry in Ontario, CAN is one of the most trusted masonry companies, offering brickwork, chimney work, parging, stonework and much more. Hire us today!

brick repair services in Scarborough

Water damage behind brick walls is a common problem that can cause major structural damage to homes and businesses. Identifying the source of water damage behind brick walls can be difficult, as it is often hidden from view. However, it is important to identify the source of the water damage in order to prevent future damage and to ensure that the repairs are long-lasting. This article will provide an overview of the common causes of water damage behind brick walls and tips for identifying these issues.


  1. Poor Drainage


Poor drainage is one of the most common causes of water damage behind brick walls. This can occur when the soil around the building is not graded properly or when gutters and downspouts are not installed or maintained properly. Improper grading can cause water to pool near the foundation of the building and can seep into the brick walls. Improperly installed or maintained gutters and downspouts can cause water to accumulate near the foundation and seep into the brick walls.


  1. Plumbing Leaks


Plumbing leaks are another common cause of water damage behind brick walls. Leaks can occur in the pipes that supply water to the building or in the pipes that carry wastewater away from the building. Leaks can occur due to age, wear and tear, or damage to the pipes. If a leak is not repaired quickly, it can cause water to accumulate behind the brick walls and cause significant water damage.


  1. Foundation Cracks


Those little cracks you see in the foundation of your home can be more than just a cosmetic issue. If they’re not repaired, they can let water seep into the walls of your home and eventually cause water damage. Water damage from foundation cracks can be difficult to detect since it’s happening behind the walls. But, if you notice any signs of water damage, it’s important to have it inspected and repaired as soon as possible.


  1. Wind-Blown Rains


Rain can cause water damage in your home, even if it’s not directly hitting your walls. If the wind is blowing hard enough, it can blow rain into windows and doors, which can then seep into the walls of your home. This can be especially problematic if your windows and doors are not properly sealed. To prevent this type of water damage, it’s important to inspect and repair any gaps or cracks in your windows and doors.


  1. Mortar Deterioration


Mortar deterioration is another common cause of water damage behind brick walls. Mortar is a cement-like material that is used to hold bricks together and can become weakened over time due to age, environmental conditions, and water exposure. This type of water damage is often seen on the lower portions of the wall and can be identified by crumbling mortar or gaps between the bricks.




Understanding the common causes of water damage behind brick walls is key to being able to take preventative measures to protect your home from potential water damage. These can all be identified by examining the wall for signs of water damage or moisture, looking for visible signs of leaking pipes, and having a professional inspect the wall for further signs of damage. Taking these steps can help to identify and address water damage before it becomes a major issue.


When it comes to home restoration services in Toronto, trust only Red Robin Masonry to provide the highest quality and most reliable services available. We offer first-class masonry restoration, repair, and installation services for all types of brick, stone, and masonry walls and structures. Whether you need stonework or brick repair services in Scarborough, we have the expertise and experience to get the job done right. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or to learn more about our services.

masonry services in Toronto

Natural stone has been used for centuries in architecture and design, and its popularity has only grown recently. Natural stone offers many benefits, making it an ideal choice for those looking to upgrade their home. From its beauty and durability to its many uses, natural stone is a great investment.


If you don’t know what natural stone is, it is simply a type of construction material that has been used for centuries. It is created from natural rocks and minerals in various shapes, sizes, and colours. Natural stone has many attractive characteristics, such as durability, aesthetic value, and timelessness, that make it a popular choice for many construction projects.


That said, if you’re looking for a great investment for your home, here are the many reasons natural stone is a smart investment to make:


  1. Durability


Natural stone is one of the most durable materials in your home. It is extremely resistant to wear and tear and can last for many years with minimal maintenance. This makes it a great investment for your home since it will not need to be replaced anytime soon. Do note that it still requires proper care to stay looking good, but apart from that, it’ll last you essentially your lifetime.


  1. Aesthetic Appeal


Natural stone has an elegant, timeless look that adds a touch of sophistication to any room. Whether you choose marble, granite, or limestone, each type of stone has its own unique beauty that will give your home an elegant, luxurious look. The best part is, while trends change over time, natural stone is just one of those materials that seem to outlast them all.


  1. Versatility


Natural stone is extremely versatile and can be used in many ways in your home. From countertops and flooring to walls and fireplaces, natural stone can be used to create a stunning, one-of-a-kind look. Really, the choice is up to you, and thanks to its properties, it can be used in so many ways quite effectively.


  1. Low Maintenance


Natural stone is incredibly easy to maintain. It requires regular cleaning and occasional sealing to keep it looking great. This makes it a great investment since you won’t have to spend much time or money on upkeep.


  1. Cost-Effective


Natural stone is actually quite cost-effective. It may seem expensive upfront, which we cannot ignore. But you get what you pay for, and with that higher upfront cost, you’re getting something that will last for many years to come. This simply means you don’t have to make additional investments but simply maintain the natural stone, which is cheap and easy to do! This translates to plenty of money saved in the long run.




Overall, natural stone is a great choice for any home, all thanks to its beauty, durability, and low maintenance requirements. It can be used as flooring, countertops, facades, and more, and it’s easy to customize with different finishes and colours. Plus, it’s cost-effective in the long run, making it a great investment. If you’re looking for a timeless and timelessly beautiful addition to your home, natural stone is the way to go!


Red Robin Masonry is your trusted masonry company, offering incredible services that cover brickwork, chimney work, and more. If you are looking for masonry services in Toronto for your natural stone needs, request a quote from us today.


masonry services in Toronto

Even if there hasn’t been recent physical damage to your home or place of business, it’s still crucial to regularly check the brickwork to ensure it’s still standing. 


Bricks and stones will eventually decay despite being durable materials that can withstand time. It can be simple to ignore masonry damage when it first appears until it has proceeded to a much more serious stage and requires more extensive repairs. 


Here are a few indicators: masonry problems in your building may need to be corrected before they worsen, and where to find home restoration services in Toronto. 


Cracks Near Windows and Doors


Even though your windows and doors aren’t composed of stone or brick, they can still be trusted as early warning signs of more serious issues. 


When masonry, such as crumbling mortar, fails to keep moisture out, humidity seeps into a building’s internal walls, compromising the stability of the structure. This flaw will eventually show up as moving window sills or edge cracks.


A recognisable sign of a shifting wall, which can be brought on by anything from interior damage to a sinking foundation, are fissures that extend outward from the corner of a door.


Crumbling Brickwork


If your brickwork is starting to crack, that is the most obvious sign that it needs to be fixed. Even though you should pay attention to every crack you notice, some are frequently not a problem, while others are red flags for more severe issues.


Minor cracks or gaps between the bricks in L-shaped foundation portions are typically not a problem and can be easily patched. 


However, if you see significant fractures like those in stairwell steps, you should immediately call a masonry repair expert. This type of crack, which shows that the wall is stressed and aging, is typically caused by something like a clogged gutter forcing water downward.


Missing Bricks or Mortar


When entire bricks or mortar strips are missing from your building, that is one of the easiest signs that something is wrong. 


Since weight distribution is carefully considered throughout the construction of bricks and mortar, missing components show that your building is not operating as it should. The issue will only get worse with time.


You must have the area fixed as quickly as possible if bricks or chunks of mortar are missing. 


Determine whether the bricks were harmed by moisture damage, high vibrations nearby, or other circumstances with a specialist providing masonry services in Toronto.


Sagging or Sticking Out Wall


The aesthetic attraction of stone buildings, with their neat small rows and sharp edges, is one of their most alluring features. But if you observe any spots drooping or expanding (internally or externally), it can signify a more serious issue.


The weight of the building may not be distributed evenly as it settles, which could result in sagging. Similarly, the house won’t be able to maintain itself if its support structures are insufficient or destroyed. 


As a result, walls could begin to sag, altering their original design and ultimately lowering their ability to disperse the power of the building. These places may deteriorate or perhaps collapse if they are not corrected.


Sticky Windows and Doors


Naturally, everything in your building functions as a unit. This implies that if your doors and windows start acting up, the issue could not be with those components. 


If your brickwork is shifting due to foundation problems, water damage, or other problems, your doors and windows could become stuck when you try to open them. They could be more challenging to operate or harder to close. This may be a sign that you need to fix your masonry.




Brickwork on your structure should last for many years, but you must take safety measures to ensure any issues are discovered as soon as possible. A professional masonry company in Toronto will give your building new life and maintain it sturdy and resilient for many years.


Red Robin Masonry is Toronto’s most trusted masonry company. Our masonry services in Toronto include brickwork, chimney work, parging, stonework, and much more! Request a quote today!


masonry company in Toronto

Repointing bricks offers a variety of benefits. It can help maintain the structural integrity of the wall, increase the water resistance of the masonry, and improve the overall look of the wall. Additionally, repointing can also help to prevent further damage from occurring, as well as make the wall stronger and more durable. 


Once you have decided to bring in a masonry contractor, it is crucial to understand what advantages they can offer with brick repointing. This procedure may help to maintain the structure and strength of your brickwork, as well as improve its appearance. It can also provide a long-term solution to any problems that may be occurring with your brickwork, increasing its longevity and decreasing the likelihood of further damage in the future.


Restoring the Appeal of a Structure


Repointing brick is a great way to restore the charm and beauty of a structure’s original appearance. This service can give a building a new look, making it appear just as it did when it was first built. It’s an effective way to enhance the aesthetics of a home or business and can be a worthwhile investment for any property owner.


Protecting Wall Integrity


Structural integrity is an essential factor in determining a building’s value and how long it can last. As weather changes, the mortar between bricks can start to break down and no longer form a tight seal to protect the property. When this happens, water can get in and cause dampness. To prevent this from happening, a professional masonry expert should be hired to repoint the bricks to protect the wall and keep it standing for years to come.


Increasing Property Value


No doubt, the value of your house or business will go up if you re-point it. People looking to buy a property will be more likely to purchase one that has already had repairs done rather than having to pay for repairs once they have moved in. Taking care of the property now will save you money in the long run when it is time to sell, and it will also help increase the value of the property.


Reducing Maintenance Costs


Repointing brickwork can be a great way to ensure a strong and even finish. Instead of trying to patch up small sections of brick as they become worn, a full repointing can be done to provide an even and uniform look that will last for many years. This process can help reduce the need for constant maintenance and repairs, saving time and money in the future.




Clearly, brick repointing is a great way to add longevity to your home or commercial building. It helps to protect the brickwork from water damage and normal wear and tear. The process of repointing also helps to keep your brickwork looking great and adds aesthetic value to your building. It is also more cost-effective than replacing the brickwork, which can be expensive. Brick repointing is a great way to ensure the longevity of your brickwork and keep it looking great for years to come.


Are you on the lookout for a masonry company in Toronto? Choose Red Robin Masonry, Toronto’s most trusted masonry company. Our masonry services include brickwork, chimney work, parging, stonework and much more! Request a quote today.

tuckpointing in Toronto

Tuckpointing is a type of masonry work involving repairs to the mortar joints between bricks. It is a form of precision stonework used to restore the structural integrity and appearance of brick structures. It also repairs cracked or damaged masonry and reduces water infiltration risk.


Can You Do a Tuckpointing Project by Yourself?


It is possible to do a tuckpointing project yourself, but it is not recommended. The process is delicate and requires a high level of skill and knowledge. Even small mistakes can lead to serious damage to your walls and costly repairs.


When it comes to tuckpointing, it is important to understand the process and the materials involved. The tools and materials required for a successful job are specialized and can be difficult to source. Tuckpointing also requires knowledge of masonry techniques, such as how to mix mortar properly and how to apply it to the walls.


For these reasons, it is best to leave tuckpointing projects to the professionals. Professional tuck pointers have the experience and knowledge to ensure the job is done correctly and safely. They also have the right tools and materials to do the job properly.


Trust the Experts to Achieve Lasting Results


Tuckpointing is a skillful masonry technique used to restore and maintain the structural integrity of brick and stone walls. It involves replacing deteriorated mortar joints with new mortar, thereby strengthening the wall and restoring its original integrity. 


While DIY tuckpointing is possible, it is highly recommended that you hire a professional mason to do the job for you. This is because a professional mason has the experience and expertise to do the job correctly and ensure lasting results. Here are more reasons why you should turn to the experts:


  • They Know the Best Approach


When you hire a professional mason for tuckpointing, they will first assess the condition of the wall and then determine the best type of mortar that needs to be used. They will also identify any other potential problems that need to be addressed before they begin the work. This will ensure that the job is done correctly and the results will last for a long time.


  • They Have the Right Tools


Professional masons also use specialized tools and techniques to do the job right. For example, they will use a trowel to spread the mortar evenly and ensure a tight seal between the bricks and stones. They will also use a level and a straight edge to ensure that the mortar joints are even and the wall is level. 


Furthermore, they will use a hammer and chisel to replace any existing mortar with the new mortar. All these tools and techniques require experience and expertise to be done correctly.


  • They Have the Best Quality Materials


In addition to the tools and techniques used, professionals also use high-quality materials for the task. This ensures that the job is done with the best materials available and that the results will last for a long time. It is also important to use high-quality materials because they are more resistant to weathering and will not crack or break down easily.




By trusting the experts to do tuckpointing the right way, you can be sure that the job will be done correctly and that the results will last for a long time. Not only will you get the results you want, but you can also be sure you are getting the best materials and tools for the job. This will ensure that your wall remains strong and secure for many years to come.


Looking for experts that can help you with tuckpointing in Toronto? Red Robin Masonry is the place to go. We are the most trusted masonry company in Toronto, offering brickwork, chimney work, stonework, and more services. Get in touch with us today!

masonry company in Toronto

As a masonry builder or building owner, you may be faced with the decision of when it is appropriate to set columns. While there are several factors to consider when making this decision, it is critical to choose wisely because making the wrong choice can have serious consequences. 


This article will help you understand the benefits of installing columns before and after masonry construction, so you can decide what is best for your project.

Benefits of Column Placement Before Masonry Construction 

1. Increases the Overall Safety of the Building

When columns are correctly positioned, load transfer is more efficient—this reduces potential weak points or stress points in the walls of the building. Furthermore, proper column placement ensures that the force of gravity is evenly spread throughout the structure and eliminates potential weak spots. This helps to prevent any collapse or failure.

2. Allows for Smoother Construction Progress

Placing columns before masonry construction allows for smoother progress during the construction process. When columns are correctly positioned, it eliminates any need for extra steps, such as relocating them during masonry work. This ultimately reduces delays due to errors or changes in design and ensures that the project can be completed on time and within budget.

3. Help to Reduce Labor and Materials Costs

By eliminating any need for extra steps or corrections, overall labour costs can be reduced significantly. Additionally, adequately placed columns can increase efficiency when using additional materials such as concrete or steel, thus further reducing costs.

Benefits of Column Placement After Masonry Construction 

1. Increase Its Overall Strength

Adding additional columns to the structure will increase its overall strength and make it more resistant to natural disasters such as earthquakes or high winds. Additionally, columns also add an aesthetic appeal to the building and provide an architectural accent.

2. Help With Load Bearing Capacity

Columns can also help with load-bearing capacity, which is essential for large structures or heavy loads being placed on them (such as in industrial applications). Columns can support weight loads that would otherwise be too much for the masonry construction alone. This helps reduce the overall risk of failure due to overloading and allows for more flexibility when designing a structure.

3. Additional Space for Utilities or Storage

When integrated into the design of a building, columns can provide an area where electrical wiring or plumbing can be stored without taking up additional room within the structure’s walls. They can also store items such as furniture or other equipment. These benefits make column placement after masonry construction a desirable option for many projects.

Do I Build a Column Before or After the Masonry?

When it comes to masonry construction, there are several factors to consider when deciding whether or not to install columns before or after. In some cases, the design of the building may dictate which option is best. In other cases, personal preference and local building codes come into play.


Whether you should set a column before or after masonry construction depends on your individual needs and the project’s specific needs. Consult a qualified contractor or structural engineer for advice before making a decision.


When building a structure, it is essential to consider the installation of a column before or after masonry construction. Whether a column is put in before or after the masonry is built depends on the building type and the project’s needs.

If you are looking for the best masonry company in Toronto, look no further than Red Robin Masonry! We offer the best brickwork, chimney, parging, stonework, and other masonry services. Request a quote today!

masonry services in Toronto

Tuckpointing is a type of masonry repair involving filling in the cracks and voids between the bricks with a new mortar mixture. This repair is necessary to prevent water from seeping into the cracks and causing further damage to the bricks and mortar.


Is Tuck Pointing the Same as Repointing?


Tuck pointing and repointing are two terms that are often used interchangeably in the masonry industry. While they are similar in many ways, there are also some key differences that are important to understand.


Tuck pointing is a process used to repair mortar joints with cracks or other damage. The first step is to remove the damaged mortar from the joints. Next, new mortar is mixed and applied to the joints. The new mortar is then smoothed and finished to match the existing mortar.


Repointing is a similar process but is used to replace the entire mortar joint. This is usually done when the mortar joint is significantly damaged or has begun to deteriorate. The first step is removing the old mortar from the joint. Next, new mortar is mixed and applied to the joint. The new mortar is then smoothed and finished to match the existing mortar.


What Is the Importance of Tuck Pointing?


Tuck pointing is important because it can help improve the wall’s appearance and provide added strength and stability. There are many benefits to tuck pointing, including:


  1. Improved Appearance


One of the most obvious benefits of tuck pointing is that it can help to improve the appearance of your brick wall. If your wall is old and has cracks, tuck pointing can help to make it look new again.


  1. Added Strength and Stability


In addition to improving the appearance of your brick wall, tuck pointing can also add strength and stability. The mortar between the bricks is important for holding the bricks together. When the mortar is in good condition, it can help to keep the bricks from shifting or moving. This can help to prevent further damage to your wall.


  1. Weatherproofing


Another benefit of tuck pointing is that it can help to weatherproof your brick wall. The mortar between the bricks can help to keep water from seeping into the bricks. This can help to prevent the bricks from deteriorating and taking additional damage due to moisture.


  1. Prevention of Insect Infestation


Tuck pointing can also help to prevent insects from infesting your brick wall. Insects can damage the mortar between the bricks, weakening the wall’s structure. Tuck pointing can help to fill in any cracks or holes that insects could use to get into your wall.


  1. Increased Energy Efficiency


Tuck pointing can also help to increase the energy efficiency of your home. The mortar between the bricks can help keep heat from escaping your home. This can help to keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.




Tuck pointing is a vital part of maintaining the structural integrity of your home. By filling in the gaps between bricks with mortar, you can prevent water damage, insect infestation, and other problems. While it may seem like a daunting task, tuck pointing is quite easy to do yourself. With a little time and effort, you can keep your home in top condition for years to come.


If you need masonry services in Toronto, you can hire us at Red Robin Masonry. We are Toronto’s most trusted masonry company and we offer brickwork, chimney work, parging, stonework and much more! Get in touch with us to learn more about our services.

stonework in your Toronto

As a homeowner, it’s only natural to want your home’s value to increase. After all, your home is likely your most significant investment, and you want to see it thrive. If you’re looking to increase the value of your home, natural stone is a great way to do it. Not only is it beautiful and unique, but it’s also durable and low maintenance. 


How can this material increase your home’s value? Here are some reasons:


  1. Natural Stones Are a Sign of Luxury


Installing natural stone in your home is a surefire way to increase its value. Because natural stone is a luxurious material, making your home more valuable. Natural stone is an excellent option if you want to add value to your home for resale purposes.


  1. Natural Stones Are Durable


One of the best things about natural stone is that it’s incredibly durable. Its material can withstand a lot of wear and tear, making it ideal for high-traffic areas like kitchens and bathrooms. Because natural stone is so durable, it will last for many years, adding value to your home in the long run.


  1. Natural Stones Are Easy to Care For


Another great thing about natural stone is that it’s easy to care for. Unlike other materials, natural stone requires very little maintenance. You can simply wipe it down with a damp cloth to keep it looking its best. This low maintenance makes natural stone a wise investment for any home.


  1. Natural Stones Are Beautiful


Perhaps the most persuasive reason to invest in natural stone is its beauty. There is no denying that natural stone is a stunning material. It can add a touch of luxury to any space, instantly increasing the value of your home.


These attributes make natural stone a valuable addition to any home.


How to Ensure Your Natural Stones Can Increase Your Home Value


Here are a few tips on how to use natural stone to increase the value of your home:


  1. Use It in High-Traffic Areas


Natural stone is extremely durable, so it’s a great material to use in high-traffic areas like the kitchen or bathroom. Not only will it increase the value of your home, but it will also save you money in the long run because you won’t have to replace it as often.


  1. Choose Quality over Quantity


When it comes to natural stone, choosing quality over quantity is essential. A small amount of high-quality stone will go much further than a large amount of low-quality stone. Not only will it look better, but it will also last longer.


  1. Consider the Climate


If you live in an area with a lot of humidity, you’ll want to choose a stone resistant to mould and mildew. Conversely, if you live in a dry climate, you’ll want to choose a stone that’s more likely to retain moisture.


  1. Get Creative


There are endless ways to use natural stone in your home. Get creative and think outside the box to devise unique ways to incorporate it into your décor.


  1. Work with a Professional


If you need help figuring out where to start, it’s a good idea to work with a professional who can help you choose the right type of stone and show you how to best use it to increase the value of your home.




Investing in quality natural stones is a wise decision that will increase the value of your home. Natural stone is a durable and beautiful material that will add elegance and sophistication to your home. With proper care, natural stone will last many years and increase the value of your home. Furthermore, it is also a low-maintenance option that will save you money in the long run.

Looking into adding some stonework in your Toronto home? Red Robin Masonry is the top masonry company in Toronto. We offer various masonry services, such as brickwork, chimney work, parging, and stonework. We’re dedicated to providing high-quality masonry services to our customers. Contact us to learn how we can help.

brick repair services in Mississauga

If your home has masonry bricks, chances are, at some point, you will need to repair them. Even durable bricks can be damaged by weather, age, or insects. When this happens, it’s essential to know how to properly repair them so your home can maintain its structural integrity and curb appeal.


This quick guide will teach you things you need to know about repairing damaged masonry bricks, from assessing the damage to choosing suitable repair materials. By the end, you’ll be ready to tackle any brick repair project, big or small.


Causes of Damage to Masonry Bricks


Masonry bricks are a popular choice for construction due to their durability and aesthetic appeal. However, several factors can damage bricks, including weathering, improper installation, and poor maintenance. 


Here are some of the most prevalent causes of damage to masonry bricks:


  • Weathering


Bricks are susceptible to weathering, which can cause them to crack, flake, or crumble. Weathering is caused by the combined action of sun, rain, wind, and temperature changes, which can break down the brick’s surface and cause it to lose its strength.


  • Improper Installation


Bricks must be installed correctly to withstand the forces of nature. If not installed properly, they can become loose, allowing water and moisture to penetrate the brick and cause damage.


  • Poor Maintenance


Bricks require regular maintenance to stay in good condition. They can become stained and damaged if they are not cleaned and sealed regularly, they can become stained and damaged.


Signs that Your Bricks Need Repairing


Bricks are one of the most durable and long-lasting materials used in construction. However, even bricks can eventually succumb to wear and tear and may need to be repaired or replaced. Here are some signs that your bricks may need to be fixed:


  • Cracks or chips in the brick surface
  • Bricks that have begun to crumble or flake
  • Mortar joints that are cracked crumbling or missing altogether


  • Bricks that are loose or appear to be pulling away from the rest of the structure


If you notice any of these signs, having the bricks professionally inspected as soon as possible is essential. Depending on the extent of the damage, the brick repair may be minor or more extensive. But catching the problem early can help prevent further damage to your bricks and extend their lifespan.


Tips on How to Repair Damaged Bricks


Bricks are a popular material for indoor and outdoor use but can be susceptible to damage. If you have a cracked, chipped, or otherwise damaged brick, you may wonder how to repair it. Here are the essential tips for doing it:


  1. First, clean the area around the damaged brick. This will help you better understand the damage’s extent and make it easier to apply the repair materials.


  1. If the damage is minor, you may be able to simply fill in the cracks with mortar or another type of sealant. However, if the damage is more significant, you may need to replace the entire brick.


  1. When replacing a brick, it is vital to match the new brick to the existing one. You must pay attention to the bricks’ size, shape, and colour.


  1. Once you have the new brick, apply mortar to the back and press it into place. Make sure that the mortar is evenly distributed so that the new brick will stay in place.


  1. Allow the mortar to dry thoroughly before moving on to the next step.


  1. To finish the repair, apply a sealant to the new brick. This will help protect it from future damage and match the appearance of the other bricks.




Masonry bricks can be easily damaged, and repair may be necessary. However, by following the proper repair procedures, you can quickly and easily fix your damaged masonry bricks. For more significant cracks, you may need to replace the entire brick.


Red Robin Masonry is Toronto’s most trusted masonry company. Our masonry services include brickwork, chimney work, parging, stonework and much more! We’re dedicated to providing our clients with the highest quality masonry services possible, and our experienced team is always available to answer any questions. Contact us today to understand more about our brick repair services in Mississauga.