When it comes to changing the aesthetics of your home, the different procedures can be pretty overwhelming, especially when you have to deal with a brick structure. 

Bricks are effective construction materials that provide cladding, allowing your property to have proper insulation and weather-resistant features, all while improving your home’s aesthetics. However, over time, the mortar used to fill joints may deteriorate — this is where tuckpointing comes into the picture. 

Tuckpointing is a great technique that enhances the appearance of masonry. This procedure removes portions of deteriorating mortar and fills it with new mortar that closely matches the colour of the bricks. By doing this, you create an illusion of a well-maintained brick structure. 

Seeing that tuckpointing is a tedious process that requires technique and specific materials, it’s best to get credible brick repair services to ensure your property goes back to its original state and enhances its general aesthetics.

If you’re keen on protecting your bricks from total mortar deterioration, read on. In this article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about tuckpointing — from tips to the actual process. Let’s get to it!


The Basics of Tuckpointing

When you’re considering some tuckpointing work done, it helps to understand the different terms of masonry. 

  • Pointing: This is the process of filling mortar joints during construction. It also refers to the actual mortar joints and the spaces between each brick in a completed wall. 
  • Repointing: This involves removing old mortar from the joints and replacing it with new, fresh mortar.
  • Tuckpointing: Similar to repointing, the main difference is that you’re using mortar that closely resembles the colour of your bricks. After which, you embed narrow lines of putty in contrasting colours through the center of new mortar joints. 

Many homeowners go for tuckpointing instead of repointing because it creates an appealing and convincing visual illusion, making your wall look like it was constructed with new masonry. 


Why Do Mortar Joint Deteriorate?

Before going through tuckpointing and other reconstruction procedures, it pays to know what goes on when mortars begin to fail. 

Deterioration can happen due to a bunch of reasons, such as faulty workmanship, environmental erosion due to extreme temperature and moisture, or the pressure of overhead bricks. Although bricks can last for centuries, you should know that mortars can last for only 25 to 30 years, which means you’ll need to replace them at some point in your property’s lifetime. 


Why Should I Let Professionals Handle This?

While many homeowners love do-it-yourself projects, it’s best to leave it to the professionals when it comes to tuckpointing. 

Tuckpointing is a labour-intensive method that requires a lot of skill and extreme precision to successfully create an illusion of level mortar joints. Seeing that it’s an incredibly meticulous project, seeing a slight off-kilter portion can make the whole project look sloppy and unfinished. 

With that being said, it’s best to get reputable brick repair services from trusted companies to ensure proper installation and resetting, resulting in a fantastic-looking new wall or chimney. 


The Bottom Line: Give Your Bricks that Overdue Love and Care It Deserves

Tuckpointing is a fantastic way to breathe in new life to your brick structure. Whether you’re dealing with bricks in the exterior of the interior of your home, you want to ensure that it gets proper upkeep and looks good as news, especially when exposed to various triggers. 

Thankfully, Red Robin Masonry provides exceptional brick repair services. This way, you can give your brick structure that much-needed upgrade and give it the love and care it deserves.


Why Work with Red Robin Masonry?


Your home is undeniably one of your biggest investments. So when it comes to maintenance and repairs, it’s best to work with the right contractors to ensure that all your home projects are done with excellent technique and service. 

Red Robin Masonry is the most respected and trusted masonry company in Ontario. Our services include chimney and fireplace services, tuckpointing, parging, brickwork, stonework, and concrete and foundation services.

If you’re looking for brick repair services in Scarborough, give us a call at 416-206-8859 and ask for a quote today!

Easily described as one of the most prominent construction methods the world has ever seen, masonry is undoubtedly associated with unhampered durability and resistance. 

While contemporary methods are more commonly used than ever, the fact is that the approach in question strikes a chord with homeowners and builders looking to prioritize quality above all else. Considering that masonry systems themselves have stood the test of time against anything they go against or have struggled with, you’re most likely thinking about using them to put your next project together. 

Suppose you’re at a point where you’re looking into the possibility of banking on the benefits of using masonry construction methods for your next project. In that case, there’s no doubt that the method is a worthy consideration. Once you dabble into the whole string of tasks and choices that you’ll need to handle for your construction project, you’ll end up needing to choose between using two types of bricks: concrete and clay.


Breaking down the importance of these materials

When you hear about masonry structures, the first thing that comes to mind is that they still consistently outperform all other construction methods. However, it’s important to know that the kind of durability these types of projects are best known for won’t be made possible without the kinds of bricks needed for such an effect. This is where concrete and clay bricks come into the picture.

Over the years, these bricks have become a topic of discussion among builders and future homeowners alike because they’re responsible for any masonry structure’s environmental and mechanical resistance. Yet, always remember that the success of your project all boils down to choosing the right type of brick, meaning that they’re far from being interchangeable (as most people expect them to be). 


A tale of two bricks

Now that you’re about to start building your home or project with masonry principles, it’s important to know the difference between concrete and clay bricks because of how each choice offers a unique experience. To help you end up with a type of choice that best suits your needs and preferences once you enlist the help of Red Robinson Masonry to build your structure, let’s first go over both brick options in greater detail: 



Seeing its beginning as a building material in the mid-19th century, the humble concrete block has undoubtedly become an iconic staple in the strongest and longest-standing projects worldwide.

Today, these blocks have become a must-consider for those looking to build a home with masonry principles because of the immense benefits they provide anywhere they’re put. Here are some of the most essential benefits that make concrete blocks an essential option worth considering, thanks to their precise unit measurements and modular characteristics: 

  • Sound structural resistance
  • Thermal and acoustic insulation
  • Fast and easy installations 


Clay bricks

If a project built with masonry principles doesn’t use concrete bricks, then it’s probably using clay bricks. 

Regarded as one of the most fundamental and durable building materials ever invented, these materials have been used in construction for thousands of years because they use naturally occurring materials. Through the use of a complex mixture of minerals (typically in varying proportions) that is later on mixed, moulded, dried, and fired, these bricks yield valuable benefits, such as:


  • Increased durability
  • Aesthetic appeal
  • Fire resistance
  • Structural strength
  • Energy efficiency 



While there are many different factors that go into establishing the durability and dependability of a project made with a masonry-based approach, the bricks that are used make a significantly larger difference. By taking this guide into consideration, you’ll be able to ensure that you choose the right option for your project that best suits your needs and preferences! 

Are you looking for brick repair services in Toronto? Get in touch with our leaders in masonry services to see how we can help!

It’s more common for homeowners to notice aesthetic damage, from roofing to window damage. Since they’re easier to spot, contacting contractors for repairs is done much sooner to prevent further damage. However, some signs of your home’s deterioration aren’t always in the most obvious place. For example, your home’s foundation can keep small yet potentially dangerous vulnerabilities that put you and your home at risk.


The process of foundation repair

Foundation repair is necessary for contractors to minimize repair costs and ensure that your structure’s safe to use and occupy. If you don’t repair a building’s foundation problems, it can invite mould and mildew to grow underneath its pier and beams. Additionally, cracks and poor sealing can cause water to seep into and cause rot or deterioration over time. For this reason, it’s vital to undergo foundation repair for the longevity of your building.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the five steps contractors go through to repair your home’s foundation.


Step# 1: Initiating prep work

First, your contractors will remove any greenery or utilities that are connected to your home. This allows your contractors to dig holes around your home’s perimeter without damaging any landscaping nearby or plumbing underneath. Your contractor may also break out sections of your concrete slab to maneuver their tools better and assess its condition.


Step #2: Assessing signs of damage 

Every home will have different issues with its foundation, from gradual wear and tear or heavy damage due to natural disasters. Because of this, your contractor needs to note damage to the foundation on its exterior or interior piers.

Once the surrounding areas are clear to work with, your contractors will assess if your foundation piers are still durable. If your home only has exterior piers issues, it may not be necessary for contractors to work through your home indoors.


Step #3: Stabilizing your foundation

The contractors will gradually lift the exterior piers through hydraulic jacks. This elevates your home’s foundation and allows them to install steel and concrete piers under your home’s foundation for stabilization. They will then lift and correct any complications by applying support cylinders, repairing flatwork, and other necessary treatments to secure your home.


Step #4: Covering previously dug out holes

Since the source of damage is already identified, it’s best to shorten the project timeline by doing tasks simultaneously. While some contractors are lifting your home’s foundation, other workers can immediately begin filling in the dug holes from the previous step. It’s generally best to have soil piled higher than its previous amount to give your home’s soil a chance to slowly sink into the dug holes over time. This is a necessary allowance during floods and rains that will inevitably cause the soil to compress. Although the amount of soil may look odd, they will eventually compress over time for a year or more at most.


Step #5: Cleaning up the foundation

After removing tarps and replanting debris, the last step involves replanting the relocated vegetation repairing any dug tunnels or damaged concrete driveways.




Although the process can cost as low as $2,000, your building’s foundation repair treatment can blow past $15,000. While the price can be intimidating, it’s important to remember that the value of keeping safe is priceless. This is why it’s necessary to scout your options and find the right contractor to remedy your building’s needs.

When it comes to your home’s safety and security, you should be picky about who to trust. At Red Robin Masonry, it’s our goal to give our clients the appropriate building solutions for their home’s longevity. If you need home restoration services in Ontario, contact us today at 416-206-8859!

Brickwork is a unique aesthetic addition to your home, making it a fan favourite for homeowners with rustic styles. The columns and rows of brick upon brick create an organized, yet unique formation that highlights your home’s aesthetics. However, its visual appeal isn’t free from sustaining damage over time. Sometimes, small cracks and stains can be a symptom of a greater issue requiring immediate attention and repairs.


Assessing your brickwork for signs of damage

Remember that your brickwork’s signs of damage can lead to aesthetic and functional damage to your home. White deposits—known as efflorescence—can appear on your bricks to signify a build-up of water and salts coming to the surface. Although it generally doesn’t damage your brick’s foundations, it can still lead to an unsightly look that demands replacement. Remember to use light cleaning agents that won’t damage your bricks. Some chemical cleaners can also lead to stains or spread efflorescence if you don’t test it out properly.

Besides this surface-level deterioration, you should also be mindful of cracks on your brickwork’s joints and grout. Since they’re less noticeable than white stains, they’re harder to detect but are more deadly than you might think. Their presence can allow moisture penetration that can compromise the structural integrity of your walls and pillars. This can lead to damaged bricks needing repairs or replacements before affecting your entire wall or column.


Repairing your brickwork through repointing

Repointing is a repair treatment that specifically remedies crumbling and cracked grout in your brickwork. It’s a form of routine maintenance that homeowners need to perform regularly to maintain their brickwork’s look. Repointing removes any old mortar and replaces it with a new batch to preserve your brick structures from damage.

Like patching paintwork on walls, it’s important to match the existing mortar colour with the appropriate shade during restoration. Otherwise, your brickwork’s repairs will stand out in contrast to its other parts. No ordinary building contractor can handle the job’s delicacy and precision; it requires a trained masonry professional to avoid any misplacement or misalignment issues. This is because the improper application of repointing can lead to more significant issues beyond simple visual problems.


 Confirming your need for repointing

It’s important to properly assess your brickwork’s damage before you settle on the appropriate response. Sometimes, repointing isn’t the best solution to your problem, especially if you have an issue with its foundation. For example, cracks running up the wall often indicate an issue that goes beyond general wear and tear. Simply repairing it through repointing the joints is not always the long-term solution you need. 

Another potential major issue is water exposure. If your brickwork’s cracks allow water to seep into it, you must first remedy the water damage before sealing it from the outside. Doing so will prevent your brickwork from deteriorating internally even if it appears fixed on the surface. It’s best to consult with a masonry expert if repointing is the optimal solution.



Every construction material in your home needs to undergo particular care and maintenance to ensure that they’re in good condition. For example, wood structures need to get a replacement sealant treatment to prevent wood rot and deterioration from water seepage. Another potential issue is maintaining metal structures from oxidation and rust, especially if they’re outdoors. It’s your task as a homeowner to understand your home’s needs, depending on the material they’re made of.

At Red Robin Masonry we understand the complex needs of your brickwork’s maintenance. It’s our goal to give our clients the appropriate solutions with our experience and expertise in the trade. If you need brick repair services in Ontario, contact us today at 416-206-8859!

masonry companies in Toronto

There is nothing more alarming than having water damage in your basement. As it sits below ground level at the lowest part of your house, it is easily and quickly subject to water exposure. 

This water problem can be caused by a handful of reasons, such as flooding, impaired drainage, appliance failure, and even water leaks. When left neglected, it can cause damages to your property and compromise its structural integrity. Hence, keeping water out of your basement is a must.

That said, here’s our practical guide on how to protect your basement from water exposure:


  1. Clean your gutter and extend your downspout

Your gutters and downspouts play a crucial role in protecting your home against water damage. While your gutters properly drain rainwater away from your house, the downspouts connected to them direct this water to a drain or ground level. 

That said, clean and clear your gutters regularly. That way, they won’t have accumulated debris and get clogged with rainwater to avoid any potential leaks. As for your downspouts, it helps to extend them further away from your home to protect your basement!


  1. Slope the ground away from your foundation 

The ground next to your foundation needs to be properly paid attention to. Having a levelled ground is a big red flag—much more if it is more elevated than your basement. When it rains, the water will run to your property, down to your basement!

That said, be sure that the ground slopes away from your house foundation. This is to ensure that the rainwater gets diverted away from your home. Make sure that the “crown” around your house must be sloped at least six inches in all directions.


  1. Seal the holes, gaps, and any openings in your basement

It’s easy for water leaks to get into your basement via any openings, whether through your plumbing pipes or even concrete walls. For this reason, be sure to seal any gaps or holes in your basement structures using polyurethane caulk or hydraulic cement. 

If the water stems from the flooring itself, you must fix the groundwater problem, as sealing the openings won’t help. For the best results, hire a professional plumber or contractor to do the job for you!


  1. Install waterproof basement walls

It’s best to construct or remodel your basement with waterproof walls. To do this, you must apply your interior walls with waterproofing solutions. Some effective solutions include concrete coatings, silicate-based concrete sealers, waterproofing paint, or plastic sheets or panels. 

On the other hand, you may consider waterproofing the exterior walls as well to fix any gaps in the foundation. However, this can be a bit costly and require a professional contractor for the excavation and installation.



At this point, you now know how to protect your basement from water exposure. All it takes is to clear your gutter and extend your downspout, slope the ground away from your foundation, seal the holes, gaps, and openings, and have waterproof interior and exterior walls. 

While at it, be sure to hire a highly reliable masonry service to reconstruct your basement structures such that they are all waterproof. Ultimately, protecting your basement from the water will make a difference in maintaining your residential property’s overall structural integrity!

We’re one of the best masonry companies in Toronto, providing services such as tuckpointing, chimneys and fireplaces, parging, brick repair, concrete and foundation, and stone water. If you need waterproofing services to protect your basement from water, get in touch with us or request a quote today!


5 Common House Maintainance Issues and How to Fix Them

When you own a home, you have the freedom to customize it as you wish. You also have the responsibility to keep it clean and well-maintained so that you can protect yourself and your household from any hazards. Damage can happen due to many different reasons and in various parts of your house, but it is normal and expected.

While living in your house, you might encounter pest infestations, plumbing leaks, or electrical problems. Most issues are easy to resolve if you know how to spot the warning signs and get the right professional help. These are the things you need to know to keep your house in perfect shape from top to bottom:


Your roof and chimney

Your roof protects you from the harsh elements and keeps your entire house dry. However, there are vulnerable areas of your roofing that you should look after. Find a safe way to access your roof, or ask for a contractor to inspect it for you. If you have shingles, check the cement backing to make sure they adhere to the roof.

The chimney can also deteriorate over time and with repeated exposure to strong winds, hail, or debris. Ensure the collar–the metal skirt at its base covering the joint between the chimney and the roof–is secure against your roof’s surface. You also need to ensure that the lining or the flue is intact to prevent fires or damage to the bricks.


Interior walls

Demising walls around your home are usually hollow. The gaps in the partitions allow electrical wiring and plumbing to pass through so you can access utilities in different parts of your house. Unfortunately, these areas are great hiding areas for unwelcome guests like termites and ants. To keep your walls free of pests, you need to ensure there are no moisture sources, and there are no cracks where they can enter. Termites make their way from your yard when you track in dirt from the outside. Inspect your walls frequently for signs of bulging or buckling. You should also look out for water rings or discoloration patches that could indicate a leak happening within. When you keep your walls dry, you can avoid insect colonies setting up shop.


Flooring and carpeting

Depending on what type of flooring you have, you may need frequent cleaning. If you have tiles, you need to have them re-grouted every two years to keep them looking clean. Polish your wood floors every few months to preserve their sheen and smooth out any scratches. Keep a lookout also for trembling or creaking floorboards–these may be signs that the supports need repair and reinforcement.


The exterior walls

Your exterior walls are bound to receive a lot of abuse from harsh weather elements. If you have siding, you will need to regularly inspect the sections to see if the adhesive material remains strong so they can continue to provide insulation and protection from debris. Painted areas of the exterior tend to peel over time from exposure to rain and snow. Set aside a budget to give your house a refreshed paint job every two to three years so you can keep up your curb appeal.


The basement

One of the most critical areas to maintain in your house is its foundation. A home with excellent masonry work of brick and stone will stand for many years. However, you will need to take steps to preserve its integrity over time. Inspect your basement walls every few months to look for cracks or holes where pests and water may come through. If you notice loose bricks or boulders coming off, call a foundation repair specialist to help you seal the walls and get them back to their original state.

Keeping your house in top condition is an ongoing process. It will require vigilance on your part to look out for the red flags. Look for a trusted home restoration service capable of working with various construction materials, especially brick and stone, for your exterior. Once you have the right partner, keeping your home in livable condition will be easy.

Do you need home restoration services in the Greater Toronto Area? We offer help with brick, masonry, waterproofing, and other problem areas you may have at home. Visit our website to see our full lineup of award-winning services. Request a free quotation for home repair today.

Slabjacking and Piering - Foundation Repair Types for Your Home

Taking care of your home means making sure everything is regularly inspected to keep it in optimal condition. This also means making sure its structure maintains its structural integrity, as this will keep you and your family safe and secure. The foundation of your home is one of the critical components to check on a regular basis because a compromised foundation can cause an array of problems that can be difficult to solve.

Familiarizing yourself with the foundation repair process will help you determine whether or not your foundation is in good shape. If you’re looking for a new house, you’ll also want to know whether or not its foundation needs to be repaired.

Here are the two most common methods of foundation repair to consider for your home:


This repair method is also known as concrete lifting, and is a commonly used way to repair houses that are built on a concrete plate. It’s a fast and affordable solution to repair your foundation while minimizing disturbance to your house or yard. It can also be carried out almost any time of the year, making it an easy and accessible way to repair your home’s foundation.

Slabjacking can also be used to repair cement plates in your home. Whether these cement plates are in the patio areas or  entryways, slabjacking is a great way to support these areas to prevent the cement plates from breaking and sinking.

With slabjacking, a pattern is drilled into the area that needs to be repaired. Afterwards, a plastic lifting solution is poured into these holes and under the platform using special equipment. The solution fills the empty spaces below the cement. After that, a concrete mix is used on the openings.


The other type of foundation repair that you can consider for your home is piering. This method uses steel or concrete posts to support a collapsed foundation. It’s also used to correct foundation settlement or reinforce failing building foundations.

Piering is also a low-cost method to repair the foundation. It’s much more affordable than completely replacing the foundation as well. This type of method addresses the cause of the settlement, such as unstable soil and its consequences in one go. It’s also a flexible and non-intrusive method of repair, which will allow you to continue using your home while repair work is being carried out.

With piering, an excavation is made around the foundation. Push piers, made of galvanized or epoxy-coated steel pipes, are driven into the foundation with a hydraulic ram. After that, helical piers, which are also constructed of steel, are drilled into the ground with a hydraulic torque motor. Then the hydraulic jacks raise the sinking foundation to the right level, securing it into place with bolted or welded wall brackets.


Repairing the foundation of your home can be a stress-free process with these two foundation repair types. They cause minimal to no disturbance to your home and landscape, are affordable, and allow you and your family to continue living in your house during the course of repair work. Now that you know the two most common types of foundation repair, you can identify which one your foundation might need to restore it back to good condition.

Are you looking for a service that offers foundation repair in Toronto? Let us know at Red Robin Masonry! We understand that your home is the biggest investment in your life, which is why we’re committed to helping you maintain it. We offer home restoration services, brick repair services, and much more. Contact us today to request a quote!

The Positive Impacts Waterproofing Concrete in Your Home

If you have masonry and other cement-based materials in your home, you will largely benefit from the benefits of waterproofing. This process is mostly done to secure the overall condition of the cinder blocks or cemented pavements by keeping water out. In fact, some professional masonry companies in Canada are emphasizing its necessity.

In other countries, masonry builds are required to be fitted with waterproofing. This is due to its benefits in longevity and general safety. If you are currently considering waterproofing, this guide will help you understand why it’s worth the investment. It will also show you pre-conditioning guidelines to facilitate the success of the service.

Positive Impacts of Waterproofing Concrete

The following impacts are the reasons that most masonry experts and building owners alike are turning to concrete waterproofing:

1. Energy Cost and Living Cost

Since HVAC systems are a staple in every Canadian home, waterproofing is a huge convenience when you suddenly have to turn up your unit. This is because unwaterproofed concrete has subtle cracks that let air escape. Thus, it takes longer for your space to adjust the temperature. In the long run, this will increase the usage and your electricity consumption.

On the other hand, waterproofed concrete translates to easier temperature control and less energy consumption in the long run. It is also a long-term investment that can significantly decrease your daily living cost. This is why most Canadian families also invest in it to save more money on top of its benefits in the wellbeing of their household.

2. Overall Health And Wellbeing

Speaking of saving and wellbeing, waterproofed concrete acts as a layer of protection against harmful mould that grows in wet cement. They are characterized as little black specs that can trigger respiratory diseases, like allergic rhinitis and asthma. Prolonged exposure to the mould also leads to viral infection and flare-ups on the skin. These health hazards are part of the reason why waterproofed concrete is more preferred in most masonry builds.

3. Safeguarding Your Home

Aside from the many health concerns, waterproofing also prevents cement erosion or the gradual weakening or degradation of your structure. In contrast, no proofing leaves room for stray water to seep in, be absorbed, promote mould growth, and eat away at your structure. Again, this is another reason why masonry builders recommend this step.

Another reason to waterproof your concrete is also helpful in securing the cemented walls in your basement. This prevents stray water from finding its way into the bottom of your home, which can cause flooding. Overall, the structural integrity of your home and your security largely benefit from this.

4. Home Value

As you safeguard home, waterproofing also adds to the resale value of your home. If you are looking to retire instead or keep living there, the service also secures that, as the structure will hold for a very long time. The long-term benefit of investing in waterproofing is like building a solid foundation on your home. Additionally, cemented products and structures themselves are also made stable and resistant to common wear and tear.

Pre-Conditioning Your Home for Waterproofing Concrete

The following guidelines are what you must adhere to if you are looking to waterproof your concrete:

  • Secure all home furnishings, electric boxes, and stairs: Possible dust and debris from waterproofing materials may find their way into your appliances and other furnishings. Thus, it is recommended to patch them up with tape and secure coverings.
  • Clean and dry surfaces before scrapping: For an even coating and layering of waterproofing materials, it is highly recommended to have surfaces cleaned properly of dirt.


In the event that you want to prolong the longevity of your structure, consider the many benefits and recommendations regarding waterproofing for your home. That way, you can ensure great results and get the most out of your home.

In need of a professional masonry company in Ontario? We are Red Robin Masonry, your professional team offering you first-class services to upgrade your home. Build strong structures with us and invest in quality builds today!

While it may not come as a surprise to know that a strong foundation is the most important part of the house, most people may not know exactly why. It’s definitely responsible for supporting the entire weight of your home, but there are other factors that can affect the durability of your foundation, like the type.

There are plenty of things to consider when setting up the foundation of your house. Where is it located? Is it near a body of water or a swampy area? What kind of soil is in the area? Arming yourself with this knowledge will help you pick the right foundation for your house, which will eliminate future stress and headaches.

Here are some of the different types of foundation you’ll want to consider for your house:

Strip Foundation

This type of foundation is used in swampy areas. It’s specially designed to provide a strong and sturdy foundation while giving way to flowing water from the swamp so that it does not rise up. Strip foundation is made of a mix of concrete, cement, and aggregate, as this combination of materials is proven to be effective in a waterlogged environment.

When setting up this type of foundation, a substance called a damp proof membrane must be applied on top of the aggregate. This prevents the passage of water into the concrete, keeping the house dry.

Slab-on-Grade Foundation

This type of foundation makes use of a slab or a single layer of concrete that is several inches thick. This is usually placed on top of crushed gravel to help transfer the house’s weight onto the soil. This is most suitable in areas of warmer temperatures, or where the ground doesn’t freeze. The edges of the slab are thicker to make an integral footing, which is further supported by rods. This can be used in areas with clay soil.

Drilled Pier Foundation

Similar to the slab-on-grade foundation, the drilled pier foundation is best used in areas with clay or sandy soils. As these soils are soft and loose, a robust foundation made of concrete, cement, and aggregate is needed to give optimal support to a house. This type of foundation provides the strength needed when supporting a structure in clay soil, as they are installed deep into the soil where it is drier in order to provide more stability.   

Raft Foundation

Also known as a mat foundation, this is a long, continuous slab that stretches over the entire base of the house. It supports the building while also shifting the burden of the weight to the ground. This type of foundation is typically used in areas where the soil is weak. It’s also used for those who would prefer to have basements in their house. That’s because this type of foundation is created by excavating soil several feet below ground level in order to reach stronger and more compact soil.

Bottom line

It’s important to choose the right type of foundation for your house. Otherwise, it might cause problems that lead to foundation failures like cracks that will compromise the structural integrity of your house. Having the right foundation will not only help you save money from foundation repairs, but it will also help shield your house from natural disasters and also help make your house earthquake-proof.

Red Robin Masonry is a masonry company in Toronto, Canada. We specialize in home restoration and masonry services to make sure your structures are robust and well-maintained. Have some questions about your house’s foundation? Get in touch with us today and we’ll see how we can help!

The foundation is a critical part of your house that always needs your careful attention. When done correctly, it will keep your home stable through any weather that comes your way. If it starts to fail, however, the effect will be felt in the entire house as it will result in instability. In extreme cases, a faulty foundation can even cause the whole structure to collapse and make the building uninhabitable.

While foundation repair will certainly require the expertise of a structural engineer or a home restoration service, faulty foundations can be rather easy to notice. Before you are faced with extreme foundational issues at home, here are four signs of a faulty foundation that you should keep an eye out for:

1. Long, gaping cracks on the floor

As you should be aware, ground movement is relatively common, and it is normal for your foundation to slightly sink and for hairline vertical cracks to appear during the first two to three years after construction. However, seeing even a quarter of an inch climbing horizontally across your walls can mean that your foundation is experiencing more movement than what is considered normal. If you see cracks at a 45-degree angle, the foundation can be compromised, meaning that you need to seek professional assistance immediately.

2. Uneven floors

While cracks are definitely the most obvious sign, you should also check if there are portions of the house on the same level that feel lower or higher. One way to check is to place a ball on the floor in the center of the room and see if it consistently rolls away in one direction. You can also pour water and see if the puddle moves in many directions. If it flows consistently to one side, you know that your floor is not level.

3. Windows not closing

Because windows are designed to fit with an opening made during construction, any movement within the foundation will show cracks and gaps where the window frame and walls meet. Often, homeowners will notice that the windows no longer line-up or close properly and merely assume it as a faulty installation. However, this can also be a sign of the walls shifting due to an unstable foundation.

4. Doors are not lining up with their latches

Sometimes, doors that refuse to close may be caused by improper installation, but it often is also a tell-tale sign that your foundation has shifted, and your walls are no longer aligned. This is especially true if you see gaps where the wall and the door frames meet. Similar to windows, doors are also designed to fit flush to your walls. A crack or gap on top of the door frame will likely also appear as a consequence of a foundation that has moved.

Causes of moving foundations

There are many causes of a moving foundation. Often, it is a result of subpar construction work, where workers fail to compact a soil properly before laying the foundation. This results in structural failure as the foundation is vulnerable to water damage, and the soil is too soft to support a structure.

However, vibrations can also cause the soil to move. These vibrations can come from nearby construction or earthquakes. Vegetation can wreak havoc on your foundation as well. Tree roots, in particular, will grow around and under your home’s foundation and cause the soil to shift as it looks for water.


While good construction practices will come a long way to ensuring a stable foundation for your home, movements in the earth will often cause structural problems. Remember that cracks will often start small as well. Because of this, it is best to keep yourself aware of any signs of potential foundation issues and contact a reputable home restoration service before the issues accelerate.

Red Robin Masonry is your best option for foundation repair and other restoration services in Toronto. If you want to ensure a safe foundation for your home, get in touch with us today to see how we can help!