Stonework in buildings is always nice to see because of how beautiful it can be. The sheer craftsmanship can be striking, but the material itself can bring life to the display created. When figuring out how to replicate the flawlessness of stoneworking in your home or office, the first hurdle will be choosing the kind of stone you want.

The two primary materials you’re likely to have seen are natural stone and veneer stone. It can be somewhat troubling to figure out which exactly you’d like and pinpoint what their differences are. Here’s a short guide to help you figure it out:



Natural stone is, as the name suggests, standard. No extra colour or textures are initially added to the stone. It is extracted straight from the earth and used as a manufacturer pleases, whether for walls or tiling. It’s considered very durable, but expert hands are required to shape and mould it.

Meanwhile, veneer stone is a manufactured material that looks like natural stone. Instead of being sourced from the earth, veneer stone is made from different components. Cement and iron oxide are used to recreate the appearance and texture. Because it’s easy to create, quality is almost consistent across the board.

The main difference between natural stone and veneer stone is the robustness. Veneer stone is considerably more fragile than natural stone, unable to withstand as much force as the other. However, it can be cut and shaped much more easily than natural stone. 



When ordering natural stone, expect it to come in big blocks that are twice the weight of veneer stone. Veneer often comes in usable sizes already, but natural stone would have to be quarried before its actual use. 

Aside from the size and weight, the thickness is also a good indicator of the difference between natural stone and veneer stone. Veneer stone can come in varying widths depending on what was manufactured, while natural stone is featured in a standard one and three-quarter-inch thickness.



Although natural stone isn’t created or initially mixed with colour, it can still be dyed in a certain way as it can retain its hue. It can hold shades well and, when taken care of and kept away from sunlight, can take more than a lifetime to fade away.

Veneer stone already holds colour upon manufacturing. It can have really beautiful colours that you can expect to happen consistently. The problem with veneer stone is it can fade somewhat faster compared to natural stone.



If you’re hoping for a stonework project, you may have to consider the availability of the material. Natural stone is often in demand but can be harder to come by because of how it’s sourced. Alternatively, veneer stone is readily available.

When time isn’t an issue, and you’re looking at a specific way of stone installation, natural stone may be better in the long run. Discuss with a stonemason regarding your options and construction schedule. 



Both natural stone and veneer stone have their pros and cons. They are both able to fulfill your needs, but it can come down to whether you prioritize installation quickness over the lifespan and the other way around. After all, you are more familiar with your needs than anyone else. 

Are you looking for a masonry company in Toronto? Red Robin Masonry helps you invest in your home by offering our contraction services in Ontario and carrying out the jobs. Contact us today!

As a homeowner, it can be stressful when you notice some bowed or bulging bricks on your walls. These are often observed after winter and often, these require repair by a professional mason.


The Common Culprit of Bulging or Bowed Brick

Generally, water is known to be the main culprit. The high humidity in the walls can lead to the formation of ice during the winter season. This is also why bulging or bowed brick is common after the cold months have passed. In some cases, it can be due to the water making its way through the rusting anchors or damaged mortar joints. As time goes by, the formed and accumulated ice, snow, and water creep in and weaken the structure’s walls.


How to Identify a Bulging or Bowed Brick 

If you look closely, the wall seems to appear swelling when there is a bowed or bulging brick. You can also identify this when the windows appear not to be at the same level as the bricks. When these signs are observed, make sure to have the whole façade examined by a reliable mason. The masonry expert will help find the main cause and provide solutions to fix and prevent the problem. 

Fluctuating temperatures can worsen problems with the bricks, so make sure to check for any changes in your walls as the seasons change. After identifying any bulged or bowed brick, make sure to have them repaired immediately.


How to Repair a Bulging or Bowed Brick

How a bulged or bowed brick is to be fixed depends on the extent of the damage. The location of the damage and the type of bricks to be used are also some factors that need to be considered. If the job requires repairs only, the cost can be lower. However, when the bricks need to be replaced or restored, a higher cost will be required.

Repairs can be simple, such as using grout to make the wall stronger. There are times when metal plates and special screws will be used to provide additional support. These temporary solutions are ideal only when the condition is not severe. When the problem requires more intensive intervention, bricks should be reinstalled, or the entire wall must be immediately replaced. Do not attempt to DIY as this should only be performed by professionals.


How to Prevent Bulging or Bowed Bricks

Preventing bulging and bowing bricks on your wall should be done as soon as possible. You can do this by closely monitoring and checking the walls for cracking mortar and crumbling joints. A simple yet effective measure to prevent these is to make sure that all crevices and cracks are repaired quickly to prevent water from seeping into them and cause further damage.



Your walls may look sturdy and damage-free. But upon closer look, you’ll notice that there can be some flaws or cracks that need immediate attention. When you discover that there are bulging or bowed bricks in the walls, the first thing to do is ask the assistance of a reliable masonry company to do the repair or replacement. 

If you need masonry services in Toronto, Ontario, Red Robin Masonry is the one to call. We provide masonry services, including brickwork and repair. Contact us today for more details!

Ever noticed the small gaps around the exterior of a brick structure? You may be wondering for a long time now what they are. Those aren’t random gaps designed to mess with your head; there’s a term for those gaps, and they are actually built for a specific purpose.

Known as weep holes, these small gaps provide an opening to let the drainage of moisture. They are about the size of a mortar joint and are particularly designed to provide ventilation and allow the water to escape behind the masonry.


Why Are Weep Holes Important?

Too often, homeowners overlook the importance of weep holes. Some even think that these holes will just allow bugs and mice to infiltrate the property. To pacify homeowners’ fears, a ventilated plastic piece can be installed into the holes to prevent pests from making your brickwork their territory.

The reason why these weep holes matter is simple: water should be allowed to escape before it goes to the other areas of the house that may deteriorate eventually. Of course, nobody wants to experience water damage in their homes. It can result in repairs that can be costly.


How Are Weep Holes Installed?

Based on the Ontario Building Code‘s requirements, weep holes should be installed in the proper locations on all masonry. Weep holes that are spaced not more than 800 mm apart shall be placed at the bottom of cavity walls and air spaces in masonry veneer walls.


Types of Damage Caused by Incorrectly Installed Weep Holes

Damage that is associated with missing or improperly installed weep holes depends on its location. The following are some examples:

  • Efflorescence

Without weep holes, water can accumulate behind the brickwork where there is no easy way to escape. It will soak through the brick’s exterior, and it will start to appear as efflorescence on the brickwork. You can try cleaning the efflorescence before it gets worse.

  • Internal Water Issues

Water will find another way out if it’s not allowed to escape freely. It could flow towards the interior of your home. This is why weeping holes should be properly installed to avoid any water damage inside the house.

  • Spalling Brickwork

Once efflorescence occurs, the brick may crack and peel off. In that case, brick replacement is needed. Any cracked masonry should be given proper attention, and you should find the root cause. One common reason is that weep holes have not been installed correctly. 

  • Bulging Bricks Above Door and Window

Bulging bricks above the door and window are often associated with a rusting lintel. It may seem that the water is causing pressure behind it. The only solution to solve it is by entirely removing the bricks, putting new lintel, and replacing new bricks properly. 




Whether you are planning to build or purchase a new property, make sure to check the brickwork’s exterior if weep holes are present. It is also helpful to be aware of the damage that improperly installed weep holes can bring. Getting a professional masonry service will help you maintain the structural integrity of your home, so make sure to work with the right company.

If you’re looking for masonry services in Toronto, Red Robin Masonry is here to assist. Our professional masons are experienced, knowledgeable, and highly trained to provide clients with exceptional quality products and services. Contact us today!

red robin masonry

Brick is one of the most popular materials used for property exterior today. It is well-known for its timeless beauty, durability, and longevity. There are a lot of benefits you can get from using brick for your exterior, and in this post, we will discuss them. 


Why Brick?

  • Aesthetic Appeal

An obvious benefit of using brick for homes is that they make properties look more beautiful. In turn, it helps increase the property value, which is a significant selling point. 

  • Eco-Friendliness and Increase in Home Value

Bricks are made from clay, which is a natural resource that makes them eco-friendly. Trust that bricks won’t be affected by moisture as they can absorb and release water naturally. Moreover, brick is fire-resistant, weather-resistant, and termite-resistant. All of these features can help decrease homeowner insurance rates. 

  • Variety of Choices

They come in various colours, from white to black, and you can even have multicoloured bricks. You can also choose the texture of the brick face—rough, smooth, or somewhere in between. Furthermore, you can customize the look even more by choosing from various mortar colours. 

  • Durability and Functionality

Bricks are also popular for their durability, and that’s because they don’t break or dent. They are also a powerful insulator that keeps temperatures regulated within the property. You can also expect it to help reduce sound transmission. 

  • Low-Maintenance

Brick exterior requires little maintenance that it only needs occasional washing. You also don’t need to worry about decay or repainting. 

  • Worth the Price

When it comes to its price, it is true that it can be pricey, but it’s going to be worth it! 


How About Brick Maintenance? 

As mentioned, brick is low-maintenance, which is also why it’s preferred by many. Here are some easy ways you can maintain your brick siding: 


  • Spray the surface with a garden hose. Remember, pressure-washing your brick siding isn’t recommended because the intense water pressure can cause damage to older brick surfaces and joints. 
  • Remove chalk-like stains (efflorescence) with white vinegar. Spray it on the stains, wait 10-15 minutes, and rinse with plain water. 
  • Make sure your home’s foundation is strong. If you have an older home and have foundation issues, movement can cause stress to the brick walls. In turn, this will result in cracks and mortar joints. You can reduce the risk of movement by installing guttering and downspouts that will direct water away and keep it from pooling around the foundation. 
  • Old bricks must be repointed when necessary. After a few decades, the joints can crumble, and to address the issue, you can have the bricks repointed. Brick repointing involves removing a portion of old mortar and refilling the joints with fresh mortar. 



Having bricks for your home’s exterior is one of the best decisions you can ever make. With all of these benefits, you can guarantee that using brick material is an excellent investment that will keep your home protected, at the same time, increase its value. Therefore, if you’re trying to decide which siding material to use for your home, consider brick. Although it’s a bit pricier, it’s going to be worth it. After all, everybody loves seeing brick properties! 

If you need brick repair services in Toronto, we can help you here at Red Robin Masonry. Our top priority is to bring you the quality and service you deserve. Get a quote today.

Masonry is a timeless construction method that’s been used all over the world. Masonry is defined by the materials used to build a structure—usually bricks, stones, or concrete blocks connected by a cement paste called mortar.

If you look at some of the oldest structures in your area, you will be able to find centuries-old structures built through masonry. When constructed correctly, reinforced masonry can withstand extreme weather conditions and even earthquakes.


Two Main Types of Masonry


There are two major types of masonry that you should familiarize yourself with if you’re looking to have some work done on your home. Here is a brief breakdown of each one:


  1. Veneer Masonry


This is the most common type of masonry used today. It’s a cost-effective method that provides good insulation for a new home or even a remodel. Classic wood frames are built to make up the walls. They are then covered with sheathing and insulated before the brick is installed.

Metal ties are nailed into the wood frame’s studs, bent, and then embedded into the mortar as the bricks are laid down. To provide insulation for the structure, one inch of space is left between the brick veneer and the external sheathing.


  1. Solid Brick Masonry


This type of masonry was much more common 50 years ago, but it fell off once regulations required insulation to be built into house structures. A solid masonry wall consists of two brick-moulded layers, making them the most long-lasting and durable type of masonry structure found today.

As the brick walls are built, there is a greater risk of separation between the two layers of bricks. Header bricks are installed every six rows to act as a bridge and hold the layers together as the structure gets higher and higher.


Materials Used in Masonry


By definition, masonry structures are made from brick, stone, and concrete blocks that are held together by mortar. Common masonry materials include: 

Brick – This is the most popular choice for masonry because of the aesthetic appeal of its unique maroon shade. Brick is made out of clay, sand, water, and lime that gets baked and shaped. Brick structures last for hundreds of years, remaining stylish over several generations. They can hold up very well in just about any climate.

Concrete – Concrete blocks are much larger than bricks, so laying them down takes much less time and manpower, making them more affordable. Concrete is also more fire-resistant than brick. Concrete blocks are formed in various shapes and sizes, so there is a greater versatility if you choose this option. 

Stone – Stone structures are known to last over 1,000 years. Stone does not dent, warp, or splinter in the face of hail, sleet, snow, and rain. In stone masonry, you can choose between dressed or undressed stone. Dressed stone can be shaped in any pattern or size that you want. Undressed or rough stone provides a natural aesthetic when laid.




Masonry structures stand the test of time. Whether you’re using masonry for your foundation, walls, chimneys, inside or outside of your home, you need a highly experienced, trusted masonry company to plan, build, restore, or repair these structures for you. They will have the valuable advice you need when it comes to choosing between masonry methods and materials.

Are you looking for masonry services in Toronto? Red Robin Masonry has been serving the area for over 30 years. Our masons are knowledgeable, experienced, and properly trained in providing clients with exceptional quality of service and product. Request a quote from us today!


Bricks have long been used as construction materials since ancient times, and they even date back to 7000 BC, making them one of the oldest construction materials. This is why you can still see ruins made out of bricks from the ancient Egyptians, Romans, and other civilizations erected up until now. Today, these materials are still widely used to build residential homes, commercial buildings, walkways and driveways, retaining walls, and so much more.


If you’re wondering why the bricks remain to be one of the best construction materials, here’s what you ought to know:


  1. Aesthetic appeal


There’s no denying that bricks exude a timeless appeal and classic beauty. Whether you plan to use these materials for an indoor or outdoor construction, they can surely kick your property up a notch. The good news is that they even come in various natural colours, patterns, and styles, so you can choose something that will work well for your residential property!


  1. Strength and durability


The brick materials are known for their strength and durability, which means that they can withstand the harsh outdoor elements and stand the test of time. In fact, they are strong, resistant to harsh elements, and long-lasting. As mentioned above, some of the world’s oldest buildings that remain standing up to this day were made with the materials in question. As such, if you want your construction to last for as long as possible, bricks can be your best bet!


  1. Energy efficiency feature


Another remarkable feature of bricks is that they are actually energy-efficient because they can insulate your house from extreme weather conditions. For instance, your walls won’t allow the sun’s heat or the cold air to easily and quickly penetrate your home. With their energy efficiency feature, you can expect your cooling and heating systems to work less, and you can effectively reduce your energy consumption. In the end, you’ll be surprised at how brick materials will help you save up on your utility bills in the long run!


  1. Environmental protection and sustainability


What’s great about the brick materials is that they are sustainable in the long run, which is why they last longer than other materials. On top of that, they do not harm the environment that much as they are deemed “efficient” and “green.” So, if you want to help save the planet, be sure to opt for bricks instead for your construction project!


  1. Other valuable benefits


Did you know that there’s more to bricks than what you might expect? Apart from those mentioned above, you can still take advantage of their heat resistance, effective noise reduction, and less maintenance, among many others. This is why many property owners consider using bricks as materials for their construction projects, whether for retaining walls, walkways, or even buildings.

At Red Robin Masonry, our masonry services guarantee quality with a full warranty carried out by our experts. Our brickwork includes brick restoration and new construction, such as brick replacement, door and window re-sizing, pillar rebuilds, re-facing exterior walls and many more. If you need brick repair in Mississauga, we’ve got you covered!



At this point, you now know that various perks come with using brick materials for your construction. These include aesthetic appeal, strength and durability, energy efficiency, and sustainability, among others. With all these practical benefits, you have all the good reasons to go for brickwork for your construction project!

We’re a leading masonry company in Toronto with a wide range of masonry services. Whether it’s tuckpointing, parging, brick repair, chimney and fireplace installation, stonework, or concrete construction, call us today to request a quote!

Structural integrity is essential for any home because any issues regarding the strength of walls that keep everything in one piece can be detrimental to your safety. A house’s walls are crucial parts of the whole picture because they protect you from the elements and support the roof above your head. However, some older homes might not have been built with long-term strength in mind, which is a problem that originates from the soil underneath the property. 

Canada’s homes are typically designed with plenty of different materials with varying insulation properties. Whether your home is built from bricks, cement, wood, or plaster products, these can all be affected by changing weather conditions and soil erosion caused by time and water retention. While not all cases will require your home to be torn down and rebuilt from the ground up, you can invest in retaining your walls for maximum protection and safety. Here’s what you need to know about retaining walls for improved structural stability:


Retaining Walls on a Property

If you’re planning to retain your walls, you have to understand the basics of the whole process. Basically, a retaining wall is a support structure that is created and filled into your existing home’s walls to ensure that the soil underneath won’t shift the wall if it starts to erode. Since Canada’s climate can be quite extreme, the soil’s properties can change each season and start to soften, which can lead to collapsed walls. 

Toronto masonry services are typically ready to waterproof your home and even improve the structural integrity using bricklaying and other restoration services. Bricks and reinforced concrete are the most popular materials used for retaining walls, but they can also be made out of cheaper products like logs and other stones. In general, they have to be strong enough to maintain the structure behind them, and these are typically like a cast that strengthens the interior surfaces from shifting.


How Will You Know If You Need Retaining Walls?

If you see your walls developing cracks and some areas of your home sinking, it’s probably a good idea to have excavation done to check the status of your surrounding land. It’s good to consult with a masonry company in Toronto to see if your walls need maintenance or retaining surfaces to ensure safety. These companies will have the tools and expertise needed to protect your home from dangerous structural integrity weaknesses. As soon as you walk around your property and see changes in the visuals of some surfaces like distortions or large cracks, it’s time to invest in repair services. 


Using the Right Materials

Having brick or cement retaining walls might cost more because of the process of installation and the material price, while wooden frames might be cheaper because of wood’s accessibility. However, always consider the pros and cons of each. While you might spend more on cement or bricklaying from Toronto masonry services, you’ll need to have them inspected fewer times annually. Wood frames might require bi or tri-annual inspections to check for termites, wood rot, or other damages because of the natural properties of the material. Weighing your options is important, and various materials exist with your local companies, so research and look around. 



A wall that is structurally weak and requires replacing is a health and safety risk, as these surfaces are meant to protect you and your family from the outside world. If they collapse, they can cause severe injuries and even hundreds of thousands in repair costs. Catch the problem before it becomes serious by having a masonry professional check the status of your walls to ensure that you’re safe from harm and future challenges. 

Red Robin Masonry is a premium masonry company in Toronto that is a master in its class. Sporting the complete set of tools and equipment infrastructure, the quality you get out of a masonry company like us is top-tier. Contact us to know more about how we can help you prepare for the changing of seasons. 


Did you know that there are many perks and benefits that come with installing outdoor brick walls and structures? They essentially enhance the aesthetic beauty and increase the value of your property, and they are also durable, easy to maintain, and long-lasting. However, they need to be properly taken care of, as they can be subject to wear and tear over time. One way to take care of your brick construction is through tuckpointing.

In this article, we will share what you need to know about tuckpointing and see how this service will benefit your brick structure.


What is tuckpointing?

For the uninitiated, tuckpointing involves fixing the damaged mortar joints between bricks. The process typically involves removing the failing mortar and replacing it with a new, strong mortar to reinforce the deteriorated joints. In some cases, the tuckpointing process includes doing the complete wall, spot repairs, or step cracks. Ultimately, it must be carried out by a professional masonry contractor, such as those from Red Robin Masonry!


Why is tuckpointing important?

If you’re wondering why tuckpointing is important, here are four main reasons for it:


  • Weather protection: One of the primary reasons you need to get tuckpointing is to protect your brick structures from the changing weather conditions and the harsh outdoor elements. Once your walls are cracked, crumbled, or damaged, it’s easy for your bricks to get even worse over time.


  • Aesthetic maintenance: If you want your brick walls or structures to maintain their good looks, tuckpointing will do that for you. The last thing you’ll want to have is a brick construction that’s unsightly due to deterioration.


  • Functional purpose: If you want to ensure your brick structures’ structural integrity, tuckpointing will work wonders on them. By doing so, you can expect your bricks to become more stable than ever.


  • Longer lifespan: If you want your brick structure to last longer than usual, you will need to get a tuckpointing service to ensure its stability and structural integrity amid constant exposure to harsh outdoor elements.


When will your brick require tuckpointing?

You may be asking yourself when you must consider tuckpointing for your brick structure. Fret not, as this is straightforward and relatively easy to find out. All it takes is to look at your mortar around the different parts of your brick structure!

If you notice some cracks, crumbles, or holes, you will need to get a tuckpointing service. Keep in mind that holes, cracking, and crumbling are all an indication of long-term decay. Not only are they distracting to look at, but they can also compromise the structural integrity of your property. For this reason, calling masonry professionals becomes imperative.

Here at Red Robin Masonry, our masonry services have guaranteed quality with a full warranty carried out by our expert professionals. When it comes to tuckpointing, we have extensive knowledge to know the best type of mortar to use in every situation!



At this point, you now know what tuckpointing is and why it’s important for your brick structures. As such, be sure to check your brick structures regularly and see if you need this service. Most importantly, it’s best to work with a highly reliable masonry contractor to address the mortar issues and keep your brick construction in top shape and condition!

Are you looking for reliable tuckpointing experts for your brick construction? We’ve got you covered! As a leading masonry company in Toronto, we specialize in masonry services, such as tuckpointing, parging, brick repair, chimney and fireplace installation, stonework, and concrete and foundation construction. If you’re looking for masonry contractors, get in touch with us today or request a quote now!

Whether you're a newbie or someone who's been involved in health clubs for years, there are fitness terms that you should be aware of. It's always interesting to learn the meanings behind each term to determine how they can contribute to your fitness journey. Listed below are ten common fitness terms and their meanings: Cardio Cardio is the short-term for cardiovascular or cardiorespiratory exercise, making the heart pump nutrient-carrying blood and oxygen to the muscles. These exercises are commonly performed on stationary bikes, treadmills, and elliptical runners. Cardio aims to provide cardiorespiratory health benefits. Burning The word 'burning' in fitness terminology refers to the feeling due to the accumulation of the muscles' metabolic waste, resulting in fatigue. Acidosis, or the change in blood acidity, heightens the levels of hydrogen ions and lactic acid. This condition is experienced when a person feels a burning sensation in the muscles. Burning is also a sign of the recovery period that must allow the body to get rid of the metabolic wastes and replenish new nutrients to the muscles. Plyometrics Plyometrics, also called 'plyos,' is a term used to describe the muscles' physiological impact when doing jump training and other explosive movements. Soviet sport scientists developed plyometric training, which was originally called 'shock training.' It is essential to perform only a few repetitions to achieve the best level of force results possible. Core Training One of the most famous terms when it comes to fitness training is core training. Almost every personal fitness studio provides core training programs. The term 'core' refers to the muscles found in the body's midsection (including the 'six-pack' in some individuals). The core is considered the body's center of gravity. Activities related to core training include lifting an object, walking, moving from a place to another, and other movements that use the rib cage, spine, and pelvis. Metabolic Conditioning Metabolic conditioning is a fitness terminology used to describe a high-intensity exercise done until you experience muscle soreness and being out of breath. Any type of exercise that involves muscle contraction can be considered metabolic conditioning. Even standing from your chair requires your metabolism to energize your muscles. Toning Typically, the goal of fitness training services is to tone up the body and get into shape. The term 'tone' refers to the look of well-defined muscles. It is also a short term for "tonus," a technical word for the state of contraction of normal working muscles. Utilizing the muscles repeatedly on strength training activities will result in contraction, thus, creating a well-defined appearance. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) This term is often used to describe exercises that are done at maximal intensity. It is a cardiovascular exercise, a form of interval training that alternates short periods of intense exercise with little recovery time. For individuals who have been living a sedentary lifestyle or dealing with a chronic medical condition, simply walking for several minutes can be deemed as "high intensity." Mind-Body Mind-body is a common term to describe some types of exercise such as Pilates or yoga. These exercises are done with body weight and require focus to execute difficult sequences of movements. Any physical movement that needs activity patterns, learning, and cognitive focus can be classified as mind-body technically. Muscle Confusion Muscle confusion is a term that describes the physiological impact of organizing exercise programs periodically. Sports scientists in the Soviet Union developed this periodization concept. The idea is that high-intensity exercises must be followed by a period of low-stress exercises. In that way, the body can effectively recover from the various workouts and let the body adapt physiologically. Tabata Named after the Japanese scientist Dr. Isumi Tabata, this term refers to a certain protocol of high-interval fitness training of 20-second intervals. This is followed by a 10-second interval for recovery, performed for eight cycles or a total of 4 minutes. Conclusion Every fitness program aims to help individuals to be a better version of themselves. Choosing to have a healthy body requires persistence, passion, and responsibility. Part of every fitness journey is to be well-rounded with the critical things about your health and wellness routine, starting with knowing the important terms related to health, fitness, and exercise. The Fit Factor Personal Training takes pride in providing exclusive fitness training services. If you're looking for a reliable fitness training program in Wellesley, then we are the best place to visit. Start your fitness journey with us!

One of the perks of owning a brick or a stone house is knowing that your home is sturdy, and it’s unlikely that you’ll experience any structural problems. Although it’s uncommon, it’s still possible that you’ll notice some cracks on your wall over the years of abuse from outdoor elements. When you do, you might wonder if you should take on the repair by yourself or hire expert masonry services.


A quick search online might lead you to some DIY videos and home improvement shows, and you might think the job seems easy enough, so there’s no reason for you not to try it. However, here are four reasons that will convince you otherwise:


  1. It Can Be Dangerous


Keep in mind that masonry is more than merely adding mortar to the cracks. Doing so won’t make the crack disappear, and doing it the wrong way can even be disastrous. First of all, because cracks often appear high, it means you will have to fix them while standing on a ladder.


Besides that, there’s always a risk that you might be working on the part of the wall that’s structurally weak, and it could collapse on you. 


  1. There Can Be Problems You Won’t Recognize


The problems you see, such as cracks, may merely be signs of an underlying issue that you won’t recognize because of your lack of knowledge and experience. This will also be hard if you don’t have the tools needed to detect those problems. It would be better if you call in a pro at the earliest sign of trouble so that they can effectively assess the situation and address it accordingly. 


  1. Doing It Yourself May Cost You More


You might think that by forgoing professional brick repair services, you’ll be saving some money, but that’s not necessarily true. If you think of how much you’ll need to get all the equipment and materials, all of which you’ll probably not going to use again, you might realize that you’re actually saving more when you hire a pro instead. 


Also, consider the possibility that you won’t do it right the first time you give it a go and that you’ll have to redo things. That already means twice the cost. When your expenses for this project keep piling up, you will realize that it doesn’t make any sense to take on a DIY project!


  1. Hiring a Pro Means More Efficient Work


What a professional contractor can finish in a day could take you a few days or even a week to complete. Do you really have time for that? You may also need more time to practice and be ready for the task. On the other hand, experts have years of experience, so they can do the repair straight away, and they’ll be out of your way sooner than you expected.




While it might seem exciting to take on a masonry repair on your own, keep in mind that it’s one of those home improvement projects that an experienced contractor better handles. The risk is too big and the expenses too high if you make a mistake. You may not have the experience or knowledge to be sure that you’ll do it correctly, and it could take you days to complete the project. Of course, it’s also essential that you choose the right contractor for the job as well to ensure desirable results!


Red Robin Masonry is a trusted masonry company in Toronto that can handle any big or small repair project. Our team can provide you with reliable services at a reasonable rate. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our services!

Toronto masonry services

Brick bonds are popular because of their aesthetic effect, but besides that, they have a significant impact on the budget. But first, what is a brick bond? This is a pattern in which bricks are laid. There are various types of brick bonds, and they each have their own look, structural considerations, and installation methods. 


How Do they Work

Most brick bonds need bricks of the same size to create a regular and repeatable pattern that can be applied over any size of the area. A lot of bond patterns use a form of interlock method on each brick row to ensure that they are woven together. By doing so, the bond adds strength to the construction that can make a mortared wall even stronger. 


Types of Brick Bonds

Here are some of the most common and popular brick bonds used for walls: 

  • Running bond: This is a simple, structural bond for basic wall construction in which bricks are staggered by 1/2 brick from the course above and below in a one-over-two pattern. All the bricks are laid lengthwise with their long sides facing out. 
  • Common bond: This features a running bond pattern with intermittent header bricks that are used for double-thickness walls so that header bricks are flush on the ends with two stretchers laid side by side. 
  • English bond: This is similar to a common bond, but it has an alternating running bond and all header bricks with each course. 
  • Flemish bond: This is where stretched and header bricks alternate in each course. 
  • Stack bond: The stretcher bricks are laid in a grid of identical courses, which are used for decorative interior walls. 


Common Paving Brick Bonds

But what about brick paving that is supported by the underlying surface? Brick bonds used for paving are more flexible and decorative, and they can use wood timbers or other materials. 

  • Running bond: This follows the same pattern of a wall brick, but it can be perpendicular, parallel, or diagonal to the length of a path or patio. 
  • Herringbone: This is a simple zigzag pattern, but it needs a cut brick at the end of every course to form a straight line. 
  • Basketweave: This follows a square pattern with the bricks laid side-by-side in pairs. 
  • Pinwheel: Its pattern is easily recognizable because of its repeated assemblies of four bricks that are laid end-to-side to create a square with a half-brick space in its center. 
  • Stacked: This is a square grid of even rows with no staggering between courses. 



Make your brickwork stand out and ensure that it lasts for a long time. Find the right masonry service for you today that will help you achieve the type of brick wall or paving for your property. Moreover, they can also help you choose the right type of brick bonds that will suit your property’s needs the most. Whether the brick bonds are for aesthetic purposes or something else, a good brick builder can help you make the right decision. 

Get quality Toronto masonry services now. Here at Red Robin Masonry, we can help you achieve the right brickwork for you. Contact us today!