masonry services in Toronto

If you are thinking about constructing a new patio, adding a walkway to your home, or having a fireplace installed, a masonry contractor can help you get the job done. To ensure that you hire the most qualified masonry contractor, you need to ask the right questions. Here is a list of logical questions to ask as you search for the best masonry contractor.


Crucial Questions to Ask When Hiring a Masonry Contractor


1 – Can I get a written estimate for my project?


When you are ready to begin working with a masonry contractor, you may want to get a written price quote for your project. A written price quote will allow you to compare the price of different masonry contractors and reference the project throughout the process.


2 – Do you have a list of references I can check?


It is a good idea to ask for a list of references from any masonry contractor you are considering. It is important that you contact a few of the masonry contractor’s references before you hire the contractor.


3 – Can you provide me with a list of materials to complete the project?


Before you sign a contract with a masonry contractor, you should be provided with a list of materials needed for your project. When you are comparing different masonry contractors, you should ask for the list of materials to make sure that the contractors are providing you with the same materials.


4 – Can you provide additional information about the products you are suggesting?


Masonry contractors often have access to a wide variety of products. When you are shopping around for a masonry contractor, you may want to ask each one to provide you with detailed information about the products that they suggest.


5 – Do you have a specialty?


Some masonry contractors may specialize in the installations of walkways, patios, and fireplaces. Ask your potential masonry contractor if they have any specialties.


6 – Do I need a permit for this project?


It is important that you understand the permit laws in your area before you begin working with a masonry contractor. You should ask your masonry contractor about the permit laws in your area before you begin a project.


7 – Do you have experience with my type of project?


Masonry contractors often have experience working with different materials, projects, and clients. You should ask any potential masonry contractors about the sorts of projects they have worked on in the past.


8 – Do you have insurance?


It is important for a masonry contractor to have adequate liability insurance for their company and for the products they are using.




Hiring a masonry contractor can be a rewarding process, but it does take careful consideration. The more questions you ask, the better your chances of making a good decision. After you have asked the questions above, you should begin comparing the various masonry contractors that you have spoken to. When you are comparing masonry contractors, it is important that you ask them the same questions to compare their answers.


If you are looking for masonry services in Toronto, contact Red Robin Masonry. We are Toronto’s most trusted masonry company. Our masonry services include brickwork, chimney work, parging, stonework and much more!

masonry services in Toronto

When building a new house, you must consider what kind of materials you want your chimney to be made of. Your chimney will be prominent from the exterior, so it should be attractive and functional. Inside the home, a chimney could affect the decor, so it’s also important to consider your interior design. When designing your fireplace and chimney for the new home, you can create the perfect balance of aesthetics and safety by choosing the suitable materials for your chimney.

Before you contact masonry services in Toronto, it’s best to know how you can find the suitable chimney material with these steps:

Go Modern with Metal and Prefabricated Chimneys

When people talk about metal chimneys, they refer to a type of metal pipe with flues that runs up the length of the duct and then through the roof. This pipe is created in a factory and installed in your home. These pipes can provide an easy way to heat your home without extensive, elaborate masonry options. 

Masonry services in Toronto will tell you that metal chimneys are easy to install and use; they are durable and provide an affordable way to heat the house. Prefabricated vents are typically made from stainless steel or other non-corrosive metals and can feature insulated flues that prevent heat from escaping through the chimney. 

Bear these in mind when in the mood for modern chimneys:

  • If you’re replacing an existing fireplace or firebox with a metal version, you can install it in place of the old one. The metal chimney is simply attached to the fireplace opening and is usually attached to both sides of your home for support.

  • The biggest downside to a metal chimney is that it doesn’t last as long as masonry versions and requires regular cleaning to keep it free from creosote buildup.

  • If you decide on a metal chimney, you must ensure that you have a regular cleaning company come by regularly to make sure it doesn’t end up causing a fire in your home!

Go Traditional with Masonry and Clay Tile Chimneys

Most people imagine a chimney with clay tiles and brick when they picture one. These vents are only approved for low-heat uses (under 1800°F) and are typically used in residences. 

Popular materials for constructing this chimney include bricks, masonry blocks, and concrete. Masonry and clay tile chimneys are the best choices for a vintage, classic, or rustic feel. You can also make traditional vents look modern, bold and cutting-edge. It’s all about the details—such as colour and pattern—you can ask masonry services in Toronto to do for you.

These traditional vents are an anchoring visual focal point when connected to a masonry fireplace. Its thickness can be varied as well to increase insulation around the fireplace. 

Remember these when choosing traditional chimneys:

  • Clay tile breaks easier from rapid thermal expansion. You may need to replace tiles at a similar rate if you use the fireplace regularly.

  • You can choose muted tones to blend into the interior walls and exterior of the home, or you can boldly draw the eye with colour, shape, or design. 

  • You should consider whether you will be using the chimney or fireplace to create an artistic masterpiece that draws attention to itself. 

  • You must consider cleanliness and maintenance due to the paint colours or tile choices.


Chimney selection boils down to convenience and maintenance. Modern versions are easier to install and use but lack the durability of traditional variants. On the other hand, traditional chimneys last longer but are more tedious to maintain. Discuss these concerns with your family and contractor to determine the best chimney material that works for your family’s routine.

Call Red Robin Masonry today for masonry services in Toronto! We’re one of the best in the greater Toronto area. Request your quote from us now!

Chimneys play integral roles in many homes’ ventilation systems. After all, the chimney is the part of the house where fireplace smoke and gasses pass through. Unfortunately, chimneys don’t receive the love they deserve from most homeowners, many believing they don’t require care and maintenance.

Of course, this shouldn’t be the case. Like other parts of your home, your chimney needs maintenance to ensure that it is safe and functional. One maintenance procedure you should consider is tuckpointing or repointing.

Before explaining this procedure further, this guide will first walk you through various signs your chimney needs tuckpointing or repointing.

1. Drywall Damage

One sure sign of a damaged chimney is damaged drywall.

If the outside of your chimney consists of brick, and you notice holes or cracks in the mortar that connects the bricks, this indicates that the chimney’s inner surfaces have cracked or deteriorated.

This damage usually results from water damage, too. Over time, water will get into cracks in the mortar, and these cracks will grow wider and wider through the years.

Eventually, these cracks will get so big that they will begin to damage the drywall on the interior of your house.

2. Crackling Noise

Chimneys produce a high amount of heat and pressure. The mortar that holds these bricks together will begin to crack in some cases.

When this happens, you may hear a rattling, crackling, or even popping noise.

You can typically notice these noises around the fireplace. However, depending on the size of your chimney, you may also hear the noise throughout your home.

This popping noise happens when excess pressure escapes from the mortar. You may need chimney repair before you hear the popping noise.

3. Spalling Brickwork

Spalling refers to the process in which exterior brickwork begins to deteriorate.

As moisture makes its way into your chimney, it will begin to wear away the mortar that holds the bricks together.

In time, these bricks will begin to shed chunks of material.

If you notice that your chimney has started to spall, it is time to get your chimney fixed.

What Is Tuckpointing or Repointing?

Now that you know the various signs you need chimney repair, it’s time to look at chimney tuckpointing or repointing.

Tuckpointing or repointing is a chimney repair method used to replace the deteriorated mortar between bricks or other masonry units. You should note that mortar allows the bricks on your chimney to hold together. In some cases, the mortar will begin to deteriorate and crack.

When this happens, you need to get your chimney repointed. Tuckpointing or repointing requires a person to remove the old mortar between the bricks, clean out the area, and replace the mortar with a new one.

How Do You Tuckpoint or Repoint?

If you believe that your chimney needs tuckpointing or repointing, it’s time to look for a professional who can repair your chimney for you.

Before you hire a professional, you must look for a reputable contractor. While it’s possible to do some of the tuckpointing or repointing yourself, we don’t recommend this.

This is because repointing your chimney incorrectly can cause serious problems. If you don’t know what you’re doing, you may end up making the situation worse.

Red Robin Masonry can assist you in this endeavour. We offer chimney repair services, including tuckpointing in Toronto. We have many years of experience, and we always provide high-quality work. If you’re ready to get started on your chimney repair project, give us a call today!

Bricks can last for decades. It’s one of the reasons they’re among the most popular building materials. Whether for walls or for pavements, any masonry company in Toronto will tell you that bricks are a good choice, whether for walls or for pavements.

That said, they do come with their setbacks. Bricks can get marred by environmental conditions. The good news is, there are things that you can do to take care of your bricks and make them last for a long time. Your reliable masonry company in Toronto shares some tips for you:

Perform Regular Inspection

The more time your bricks have been in your walls or pavements, the more likely they are to show signs of wear and tear. That’s why it’s crucial to inspect your bricks regularly. At the very least, you should check them after every rain. Naturally, you have to do this more often if you live in a place that suffers from severe weather conditions like high humidity, for one.

If you’re inspecting your bricks, look for signs of chipping or cracking. If you find any of these, it’s best that you get your trusted masonry company in Toronto to inspect the structure. They’ll know what to do and how to do it.

Check for Water Damage

Drains get clogged easily. Overflowing gutters can also cause water to pool in unexpected areas. If water gets pooled on your brick surfaces, the brick sealer might get compromised. The result? Your brick will get worn out faster.

Don’t let this happen. Keep an eye out for water damage.

Address Mold, Moss, and Mildew

Fungal growths, mosses, and mildews can thrive on brick surfaces. The more time they have, the more likely they are to grow. These growths not only make your bricks look unsightly, but they also make it easier for water to damage your brick sealant.

Eliminating mold and mildew from your brick surfaces is as simple as spraying them with vinegar. However, don’t forget to mix it with water first. This way, you’ll be able to cut down on the amount of vinegar you’ll use.

Clean the Bricks Regularly

You don’t have to clean your bricks with harsh chemicals. All you have to do is rinse your bricks with a sponge. Avoid using a stiff brush. Never use soap.

Of course, the frequency depends on your activity in the space. If, for example, you’re using the area frequently and you know that there’s more moisture build-up, then you’ll have to do it more frequently.


Bricks are worth the trouble. They add character to your space, they look beautiful, and they’re surprisingly durable. However, they need a little more attention than other building materials.

Taking care of your bricks is easy. There are a few things you have to remember and do, and you’re good to go. If your bricks are already showing signs of wear, it’s time to call your trusted masonry company in Toronto. They’ll know how to take care of your bricks, and they’ll know what to do to make it last for a long time.

Red Robin Masonry is an established masonry company in Toronto that offers an array of services, including brick repair. Contact us today to find out more about our services!

5 Things You Need to Consider When It Comes to Tuckpointing

Brick, stone, or block can survive for up to a century. The mortar joints typically endure 20 to 30 years, depending on their exposure to various environmental conditions. Tuckpointing is one of the most prevalent types of mending at the moment. If you notice cracks in your mortar or indications of water damage, you may wonder, “Do I need to get my mortar joints fixed, and when is a good time to start fixing them?” This is an excellent question with an easy response. The following is a list of the most crucial things to know about tuckpointing.

1. What is Tuckpointing?

Tuckpointing, in general, refers to the actions used while doing maintenance and subsequent repairs on mortar joints in brick or stone walls. This is accomplished mainly by grinding or raking out the old mortar up to a particular depth. Following that, the free area is filled with fresh, strong mortar. This is a labour-intensive operation, and a competent masonry business should not have difficulty advising customers when such services are required.

2. When is it Necessary to Tuckpoint?

Old mortar joints are crucial to the stability of walls, but they are also more susceptible to damage caused by weather elements that eventually lead to water getting into cracks in the mortar. This can trigger an array of problems, including moulds. It can also cause damage to the brick and stone, but more so to the mortar itself. Tuckpointing is an excellent way of reinforcing the mortar and making it stronger. From time to time, one needs to inspect their mortar joints to determine when a tuckpointing job is necessary. This is not a complicated process. You just need to look at the colour of the mortar or grout. If it is darker or black, then it means that the mortar needs to be tuckpointed.

3. How to Find the Best Masonry Contractor 

You can find a great masonry contractor who can carry out tuckpointing services by simply searching on the web or asking people who have worked with this or similar services in the past for recommendations. Do not forget to check the references that the mason may have provided to assess if what they are telling you is accurate. One of the best approaches that you can take is to do some due diligence and see if the masonry firm has been in operation for a while. You can also call your local Better Business Bureau to see if they have any complaints against them.

4. When Is It Too Late to Do Tuckpointing?

When you notice your walls becoming loose, you know it’s too late to tuckpoint. In this instance, the only way to alleviate the issue may be to tear down the entire wall and install a new one. Without question, this is a process that many individuals find too expensive. It is critical to detect if your wall needs such treatments early on by contacting a professional before the problem arises. You will save both time and money as a result of this. Again, if you are unsure whether your walls require such treatments, simply contact a professional.

5. Other Reasons to Do Tuckpointing

It is vital to remember that tuckpointing does not only serve to fix damaged mortar joints. More importantly, it can act as a preventive measure for some of the most common issues that affect masonry walls, such as water damage, mould growth, and weak and loose mortar joints.


So there you have it. Tuckpointing is a critical process you need to tackle if you want to renovate your wall. It is also a process that you can undertake as a preventive measure for other problems as well.

Red Robin Masonry is the most respected and trusted masonry company in Ontario. Our services include chimney and fireplace services, tuckpointing, parging, brickwork, stonework, and concrete and foundation services. If you’re looking for brick repair services in Scarborough, give us a call at 416-206-8859 and ask for a quote today!

Brick is one of the most common building materials in the world, and it can come in a variety of colours and textures. While it’s commonly used for exterior walls, it can also be used to make floors, veneers and countertops.

Breaking Down the Basic Elements of Bricks

It is made from clay, sand and water. The mixture is heated to remove the water and make it more solid before it’s cast into moulds. Most bricks are fired at extremely high temperatures, which causes the clay to harden. However, the bricks still contain microscopic pores that track water and enter the brick.

The porous material causes the brick to crumble and disintegrate over time. While the water can cause discoloration and efflorescence, it also causes serious structural damage to the brick.

Common Brick Damages You Should Watch Out For 

Moss, Mould, and Mildew Growth 

Moss, mould and mildew from when water is seeping into the brick. Water can leak into the walls and then into the brick, causing it to erode and create holes. These holes can allow toxic mould, mildew, and bacteria to grow, becoming a serious health risk and leading to severe allergic reactions or respiratory problems.

To prevent damage, you’ll need to evaluate your home to see where the water is coming in. Focus on the roof, windows, and pipes, and make sure these areas are sealed properly to protect your brickwork from turning into a breeding ground for moss, mould, and mildew.

Water Damage 

When water is seeping into the pores of the brick, it can cause serious damage. This water can cause the mortar joints to loosen and break apart, which can cause your bricks to shift and separate from each other.

To prevent this from happening, you’ll need to monitor your brickwork to see where the water is tracking into. If you have cracks, holes, or gaps in your brickwork, you’ll need to call in a professional specialist to seal your brick and prevent water damage.

Common Brick Maintenance You Should Know

Repointing the Brickwork’s Mortar Joints

The mortar joints are the small gaps between your bricks that hold them together and anchor them to the wall. Over time, mortar joints can dry out and crack, which weakens the connection your bricks have with one another.

As the joints dry out, water seeps into the brick, loosening the mortar that holds the brick in place. This can cause your bricks to shift and separate from one another, leading to water damage and cracks.

To prevent water damage and other issues, you’ll need to repoint the joints between your bricks. Rather than replacing the mortar, repointing is done by applying new mortar to the joints. This allows you to fix the cracks and keep the mortar drying out.

Proper Paint Removal for Brickwork

Most bricks are covered with a layer of paint, which is the layer that’s exposed to the elements and damages over time. When the paint is damaged and flaking off, you may need to remove it or apply a new layer.

However, removing paint from bricks is a job that is best left to professionals as the process requires industry-standard tools and technical know-how to pull it off properly.

The Bottom Line: The Importance of Giving Your Home’s Brickwork TLC

Maintaining your home’s brickwork is an important factor in maintaining your home’s value and longevity. It often goes unnoticed, but these bricks are just as important to your home as the exterior and interior. Because they stand the test of time, your home’s brickwork deserves to be treated like the important asset it is.

Why Work with Red Robin Masonry?

Your home is undeniably one of your biggest investments. So when it comes to maintenance and repairs, it’s best to work with the right contractors to ensure that all your home projects are done with excellent technique and service.

Red Robin Masonry is the most respected and trusted masonry company in Ontario. Our services include chimney and fireplace services, tuckpointing, parging, brickwork, stonework, and concrete and foundation services.

If you’re looking for brick repair services in Scarborough, give us a call at 416-206-8859 and ask for a quote today!

masonry companies in toronto

All over the world, from the pyramids of Giza to the Panama Canal, you can see evidence of masonry. Despite being one of the earliest known forms of construction, people still use masonry today. The passage of time has not rendered masonry any less relevant; in fact, the opposite is true; quality masonry is more relevant today than ever before.

Masonry is an incredible way to build strong and sturdy structures, and in many settings, it’s also the most aesthetically pleasing option available. Many probably imagine regular brick walls and home foundations when thinking about masonry services. It is a fundamental aspect of the trade, but other options are available.

Here are a few masonry options that go beyond the brick wall.

Professional Masonry Options

Masonry services are more than laying bricks for interior and exterior walls. It can also add a bit of class and elegance to a space.

Masonry Pavers

Also known as Belgian block pavers, masonry pavers are exactly what they sound like: pavement that uses brick as its material. Why would anyone choose a brick road when they could pick a cheaper, longer-lasting option like asphalt or concrete? The answer is not only style, but masonry pavers are also long-lasting solutions to your problems.

Cultured Stones

Cultured stone, also known as engineered or faux stone, is a combination of cement and other ingredients. This material is poured into a specific mould then tinted to give it the appearance of real stones.

The effect is beautifully natural in appearance, and the configurations and designs can be customized for outdoor and indoor applications. Cultured stone is an excellent option for durability and unparalleled aesthetic value. Plus, you can use it for home interiors and exteriors.

Fireplace Installation

When considering adding a fireplace to your home, you may often assume it’s an expensive and challenging project. It’s not!

Just ask a masonry specialist in your area about costs and options when you get the chance. You might be surprised—there are lots of possibilities, and before you know it, you could be sitting in front of a crackling fire on a cold winter night!

Choosing the Right Masonry Contractor for You

Many search results will pop up when you search for masonry contractors near you on the internet. Some of them are reputable and reliable. Others may fall a bit short on their execution. This is why finding the right contractor is important.

When you want to hire the perfect masonry contractor, here are some tips for you:

  • Look through contractor websites.
  • Check if the contractor’s specialization and service offerings match your needs.
  • Read client reviews, testimonials, and the like.
  • Browse contractor’s project photos when available.
  • Request quotes from at least three companies.
  • Compare quotations.


Masonry work can be done quickly and easily, so long as you work with the right masonry contractor. There are many available options, and in some cases, masonry can be cheaper and more aesthetically pleasing than other options. Regardless of whether you’re looking to build a new home or make some major repairs, talk to a masonry specialist near you. You’ll be glad you did!

Red Robin Masonry is one of the most trusted masonry companies in Toronto, ON. Our experienced and highly qualified team can handle it all for you, from interior and exterior walls to chimneys and pavements. Call us today for high-quality masonry services you can trust!

masonry company in toronto

Quality masonry work requires a lot of skill and can cost a lot of money. Nevertheless, it’s all worth it since, when done right, the product can be quite strong and durable.

However, masonry work is far from invincible. Over time, masonry damage can occur which is usually caused by a number of factors.

1. Bond Failure

A typical masonry installation requires the use of masonry tie. These ties hold the structure together, and they are usually made of metal or plastic. The metal ones are exposed to the elements, as they’re more durable. On the other hand, the plastic ones are hidden from view to preserve their durability.

Given that both of them are exposed to the elements, their attachments should be made stronger. Otherwise, the structure may lose its strength and integrity.

In other words, the bonding between the masonry blocks and ties, as well as the ties themselves, should be strong enough to hold the structure together. Otherwise, the masonry can suffer from cracks, spalling, and other types of damage. Thankfully, these problems can be prevented with the right materials installed at the appropriate locations.

2. Moisture

Masonry structures are essentially made of a lot of minerals weak to water damage. This makes them susceptible to moisture. That is why the masonry needs to be completely dry before installing it. Otherwise, moisture will find its way into the structure and accumulate.

Unchecked moisture can result in the formation of mould and mildew, breaking the masonry work’s structural integrity. If this happens, the material may not be stable enough to support the structure’s weight. This may cause cracks and spalls. Essentially, it can destroy the whole thing.

3. Cracking

Masonry cracks can happen as a result of several factors. It can occur as a result of thermal movement or expansion, as a result of freezing or thawing, as a result of moisture infiltration, or as a result of freezing.

The latter happens when the external layer of the masonry becomes too thin. This is usually caused by severe weather.

4. Salt Damage

Salt damage, or sodium chloride damage, is one of the most common causes of masonry damage. This happens when saltwater enters the structure, also known as brine water. The water contains both sodium ions and chloride ions. As a result, these ions can damage the surface of the masonry.

They can also corrode the metal ties, which degrade the strength and integrity of the structure.

5. Spalling

Masonry spalling is one of the most common types of masonry damage. Essentially, it simply means that the masonry has been severely damaged. It no longer has any of its original strength.

The leading cause of this type of damage is the shifting of masonry blocks. This is caused by moisture infiltration and ice damage.

Masonry spalling is a serious problem because it can damage the structure’s surface and structural integrity. It is also a safety hazard.

In Summary

The bottom line is that you need to monitor your masonry structure regularly. This will help you detect a potential problem as early as possible. And when you do find something wrong in your masonry structure, it’s best to contact a masonry company to help sort things out.

Restore your masonry structure with the help of Red Robin Masonry. We are a masonry company in Toronto that offers a wide range of masonry services. Our specialties include brick replacement, door and window re-sizing, pillar rebuilds, re-facing exterior walls and much more. Request a quote today!

4 Important Factors That Affect Tuckpointing Costs

At the beginning of the pandemic, many homeowners were doing renovations themselves. It is not surprising because we had so much time in our hands. But does this empowerment mean that we should do all house rehabilitation jobs ourselves?

It does not necessarily equate to that. One of the jobs that we should leave in the capable hands of professionals is tuckpointing. Asking for help from masonry specialists will ensure that you will not incur additional costs. They can also guarantee that their output will last longer.

You might not agree to this because you think you can save on labor costs by doing the job yourself. But this belief is not necessarily correct. Here are some of the elements included in the pricing:


One of the crucial elements to the price of tuckpointing is the location. Each area has a different price. The season also has an impact on the cost.

With this said, you must ask for estimates from different contractors. You should also get an appraisal of a project carried out during spring, summer, and fall. It will help determine which season will give you the most significant savings.


The size of the project will have a massive impact on the price as well. Let us say you had several walls repaired. But you asked the contractor to do tuckpointing in a small portion. In this scenario, this project will not cost you that much.

On the other hand, if you ask the contractor to do tuckpointing for the entire house, it will significantly impact the project cost. Most of the time, the homeowner will have the tuckpointing done on the façade. This cost-cutting trick will improve your home’s curb appeal without breaking the bank.

If you plan to sell your home, you may also ask the contractor to do tuckpointing to fix crumbling mortar. The masonry specialist does not have to do tuckpointing for the entire wall. He might repair a small portion of the broken-down wall.


Tuckpointing is relatively easy. However, if the contractor sees several problems on the wall, this will cause the project cost to go up. In other words, if the masonry specialists need to do more repair jobs on the wall, it will be more expensive on your end.

The cost will go even higher if you have not done any masonry repair job done in the past. But please take note that going the extra mile to ensure the stability of your home will eventually give you an excellent return on investment. More people are willing to pay more for your home.


Lastly, let us discuss the labor cost. Tuckpointing is a laborious process. Although the mason will use electrical equipment, he would still need to do some manual labor to ensure his work quality. If you want your entire house renovated with tuckpointing, it will equate to longer work hours. Thus, it will be more costly.


The World Wide Web made it possible for us to get information quickly. In less than a minute, you can find instructions on how to do masonry repair and tuckpointing. But this knowledge does not guarantee quality output.

If you want quality craftsmanship, you should turn to Red Robin Masonry. We offer different masonry services in Toronto. Call us now for more information.

Bricks may be a sturdy type of building material, but there are also cases where they may face damage. In the times that they do experience damage, it is important to immediately call for repair. Ignoring even the smallest of signs of brick damage could lead to a major disaster.

In this article, we talk about why you should not ignore any form of brick damage and how you should deal with it.

Damage to the Structure

Bricks are an important part of the structure of buildings and establishments. Having damaged bricks can result in bad structural damage, such as broken walls or curved buildings. This could also make walls collapse, which could be dangerous.

Once there are one or two bricks identified with damage, it is important to have an immediate response. If left as is, the financial costs of having the whole structure or even the entire building fixed will be more than what it would have cost just having small repairs done.

Collapse of Buildings

The entire building can also collapse with brick damage if the foundation of the building is experiencing some sort of brick damage. Not only will this cost a lot of money, but it will also end up harming people in the building.

Regular checkups on the foundation of the building should be done. It should not only be checked when there is noticeable damage. There will be times when the damage cannot be seen, so regular checkups are recommended.

Shorter Durability

A brick can last a long time with proper maintenance. However, not repairing it even with minor damages can easily turn into bigger damages. These damages can then result in the brick lasting a shorter amount of time than it should be.

Constantly having to replace a bigger amount of bricks than just conducting minor repairs will cost more. It is better to utilize the entire lifespan of the brick by having it checked regularly.

Aesthetic Damage

Not only will brick damage harm the structure of your building, but it will also affect its aesthetic value. Many buildings rely on the beauty of bricks to give them a classic and timeless look. However, brick damage could take away that beauty and make it horrendous-looking.

Crumbling bricks with cracks on them are unsightly and would turn away anyone who sees them. It will not only be seen as something horrific, but also many people may see it as a probable danger. Thankfully, a brick repair can help preserve this aesthetic that bricks have on buildings.

Dealing with Brick Damage

Regular checkups by professionals are the best way to check for brick damage. They may go unnoticeable by the naked eye or someone who is not a professional.

If you suspect brick damage or would just want someone to check to be sure, working with masonry businesses is a good idea. They are professionals who are trained to deal with bricks.


Brick damage is a bigger deal than what most people think. Even the smallest cracks in your brick walls can have disastrous results. It is better to deal with it early on. Otherwise, you risk dealing with structural damage, building collapse, and aesthetic damage. Make sure to keep your bricks in check to avoid any of these consequences.

If you are looking for brick repair services in Toronto, Red Robin Masonry can get the job done for you. We are Toronto’s most trusted masonry company, and we offer various services like brick repair, chimney work, and more. Contact us today for more information!