If your home foundation is made of clay bricks, you have made one of the better decisions when it comes to your housing. Clay bricks are so strong that they are often stronger than concrete and many other building materials. If installed correctly and maintained properly, the bricks held together by quality mortar can last for hundreds of years. However, it does not mean they are completely impervious to damage.

Over time, bricks deteriorate due to old age, the weather, and many other factors. If you think your bricks at home are already looking a bit damaged, but not to the point that your house requires an overhaul foundation repair, perhaps a brick repair service is what you need.

Here are the steps that usually go into this kind of quick foundation repair:

Step 1: Take Out the Damaged Brick

To fully replace the bad ones with new good ones, you have to take them out first. This step is tricky as you need to do it carefully not to damage the surrounding bricks.

You also have to use suitable materials to quickly break the damaged bricks apart, like the mason’s chisel and hammer. Most importantly, wear eye and hand protection when doing this step. You would not want to get specks of dust into your eyes or blisters around your hands as you work.

If you are removing layers of bricks, work from up until you reach the bottom. After removing the bricks, make sure to take out the mortar as well. Then, prepare the area for the new layers of bricks. That means ensuring everything is clean by cleaning it with a wire brush and vacuuming out all sorts of dirt and dust. You can also wipe it clean with water to ensure no leftover debris could affect later’s repair.

Step 2: Prepare Your Mortar

Mortar is the material used to bond bricks and other construction materials. When this material hardens, it turns into a stonelike mass that effectively affixes items. Make sure to prepare this material first before inserting the bricks. Be mindful of your colour choice as well. You would want your newer bricks and mortar to match with the old ones.

The more important tip is to follow the instructions of the manufacturer when mixing the mortar. That way, you can guarantee that it will do its job as it should.

Step 3: Apply the Mortar and Place the Brick

Once your mortar is ready, apply it first before placing your bricks. Make sure that it is distributed well and is uniformly applied throughout for better support. Try putting about an inch of mortar for a better hold. Once done, wet the brick with water and then place it on top of the brick. Layer another mortar on top of it to secure its placement.

What If You Need to Insert a Brick onto an Opening?

The challenge comes when there is a tight opening you need to fill, but it is pretty simple. Here is what you need to do:

  • Slide the new brick into the opening. When you do this, expect the freshly-placed mortar to ooze out a bit.
  • Use the butt end of your trowel to put the brick in the proper position.
  • Once it is in place, add some more mortar to close out the gaps and joints. Scrape away any excess using the same trowel.
  • Repeat until the repair is complete.


You do not always have to break your entire wall if only a few pieces of it are damaged. You can still save some money but experience the same quality foundation by doing a brick repair service. If you think you do not have the right tools or are not confident about the quality of your work, you can always rely on professional contractors to do it on your behalf.

Red Robin Masonry would be perfect for doing the job. We offer brick repair services and other foundation repairs to residents of Toronto. We are an award-winning company with more than 30 years of experience providing remedies to various home needs. Contact us today to book a service.

Building projects are not very easy to handle. Ask any project head on a construction site, and they will all tell you the same thing: there are many things to consider for a build comes to come out exactly as planned. You have your materials, personnel, schedule, etc., with all of them vital for your project. If you overlook even one of them, you may end up with something that lacks vision and aesthetics.

One of the things a head contractor has to be mindful of is the quality of their materials. They must all be high-quality since they are going to hold the structure in place. A weak material will just end up ruining the build by the end, while a strong variant will definitely make it last a lifetime.

Natural stoneworks are one of the main components you may have to take note of every once in a while. While not all structures require them, some homeowners and clients may ask you to apply a couple of them to add a certain flair to the structure.

The thing is, they can do more than just be a decorative piece amongst the build’s major design. If you are not convinced about the benefits of their use, look no further than the examples below.

It Provides a Unique, Natural Design

Some materials used for your walls and other sections may feel too manufactured, plain, and simple. No need to worry, other people may feel the same was as you do, and that is because all homeowners will also try to find alternatives that will bring out the true charm and aesthetics of their property.

Natural stoneworks have varying patterns on them, making sure that not one brick would look identical to others. This is a unique way of approaching your interiors and exteriors, as you will be able to practice variation over uniformity.

It Is Quite Durable

Natural stoneworks may contain different types of rocks and minerals that may strengthen their lifespan. With that being said, you do not need to have it replaced after a couple of years since it would be able to stand the test of time. The minerals in each piece will be sufficient enough to pass through wear and tear, so even if your furniture is leaning on them, they will still be able to retain their original form.

Just be sure to clean them, as durability isn’t a substitute for maintenance, and you will still need to dust off any accumulated dirt or grime over time.

It Can Regulate Noise from the Other Side of the Wall

If you happen to be living with kids, you know how hard it is to try and get a good night’s sleep from time to time. The good news is that natural stoneworks are well insulated against noise, meaning that even if your kids are making a huge ruckus in the other room, you may be able to get some rest due to the complete silence on your side of the wall.

You no longer need to add something to your exteriors as well, as even your neighbour’s weekend barbecues would not be heard at all from within the comfort of your home due to the noise insulation.


Natural stone works may not be the go-to choice for many homeowners during their renovation process, but that doesn’t mean that they wouldn’t be able to try it out. Your contractors may even propose the idea, given that it offers a lot of benefits that may greatly enhance the household’s quality of life.

Its ability to cancel out noise, present a unique design, and maintain its durable quality says a lot about its amazing features. Be sure to apply a couple of them indoors and outdoors and experience home-living unlike ever before.

If you are looking for a company that offers stonework services in Toronto, look no further than our expertise here at Red Robin Masonry. We are a well-trusted masonry company specializing in tuckpointing, parging, brick repair, stonework, amongst other things. Contact us today and let us handle your home stoneworking for you.

When it comes to home improvement projects, people sometimes decide to take on the job themselves. While minor repairs can be fine to do on your own, bigger projects will likely need the help of a professional. But if you’re still hesitating, here are more reasons to hire a professional for masonry repair in your home.

Skills and Expertise

Despite what some people may like to believe, masonry repair is not an easy job. It requires a certain level of skill and expertise to get the job done right. And it’s not just about the quality of work as well. Some masonry repair jobs can be risky to do, especially for a beginner with no prior knowledge of masonry. Without the right knowledge and experience, you may just end up hurting yourself or damaging your property in the process.


To further build on the fact that masonry is a specialized skill, masonry contractors are often required to hold a valid license to work in the industry. In Canada, you would need to complete a three to a four-year apprenticeship program or have over four years of work experience in the masonry trade to be eligible for trade certification.

Since there is a licensing board that supervises masonry contractors, you are assured that they will be abiding by the rules and regulations of the trade. This offers more security, as you know your home construction project is in the right hands. There is also less risk of damage to your property since you are assured that only those that have received appropriate training and have met the other requirements get to hold a license.

Time and Money Savings

Some people decide to go with the do-it-yourself (DIY) approach since they think that they will save money this way. However, this is a common misconception in the masonry field.

While you can probably get away with doing minor repairs, most masonry work would require certain skills and expertise. And without the proper knowledge and training, you can end up with damages that will be more costly than just hiring a masonry company in the first place.

Aside from money, you will also be saving time if you hire a professional instead of going with the DIY approach. Since most homeowners don’t really have much experience in masonry, handling a DIY masonry project will likely take a lot of time, since everything is still new to you. But since masonry contractors are well-experienced in the field already, they can finish the job in a much shorter time.

Resale Value

If you’re planning to sell your home in the future, it would be best to hire a professional mason to do the job instead. They can ensure quality work is done to your home so that your home’s property value does not go down. You can even hire them to make improvements in your home that can help increase your home’s resale value.

Final Thoughts

There is a time and place for doing DIY repairs in your home. But a lot of the time, doing big masonry repairs in your home can do more harm than good. So, it would be better to simply hire a professional masonry company to save you from all the hassle.

Get quality masonry services in Toronto from Red Robin Masonry. We understand the problems many homeowners face when it comes to masonry work, so it is always our aim to alleviate and avoid them. We pride ourselves on doing what we say we’re going to do and on time. Request a quote today!

Your home must always be in top condition so that you can enjoy the comfort that it brings. If not, then your home will sustain damages, and you’ll have to spend exorbitant amounts of money. It’s even more crucial to do so if your home is made out of bricks because it will crumble if left unattended, which is very expensive and time-consuming to repair.

In most homes that have brickwork, it’s usually the chimney. Brick chimneys are incredibly high-maintenance, and spalling is the most common issue. Spalling refers to cracks found in the brickwork, and it typically occurs in places with colder climates, such as Toronto.

You must maintain your home’s brickwork. The good news is that there are ways for you to prevent them before they even happen in the first place, which will be discussed in this article. Read on below to learn more.

Keep an Eye Out for Signs of Damage

The first and foremost thing that you should do to prevent problems with the bricks is to look out for signs of damages. As mentioned earlier, brick spalling occurs when there’s a crack in the bricks, but the cause of this is moisture.

Aside from cracking, the brick itself can also crumble, flake, or pop out of the structure entirely. If a brick pops off, it becomes a safety hazard because the rest of the structure can fall off.

Some of the factors that cause spalling are as follows:

  • Poor construction
  • Using too much pressure when power washing a chimney
  • Extreme weather conditions and changes

It’s worth noting that there’s not much anyone can do when it comes to the weather, making damage monitoring all the more critical.

Spalling can also inadvertently cause you health problems as well. Moisture in the brickwork attracts mould, which can cause health problems such as itching and the skin and eyes turning red. Those who have asthma may experience more severe reactions such as respiratory problems.

Be Aware of Brick Expansion

Bricks are known to expand because of the environment they’re in. To put it plainly, bricks increase in size over time, which causes them to be cramped regardless of how minuscule the size increase may be. Not many people know this, but expansion joints can help in the matter.

An expansion joint is something that holds bricks together. The joints act as a filler applied to the brickwork to safeguard it from changes in temperature and moisture expansion. However, it’s also vital to remember that the usage of expansion joints will depend on the brickwork’s structure.

Have a Proper Drainage System Installed

Since moisture (and, by extension, water) is the leading cause of brickwork problems, you must install an excellent drainage system. The drainage system must move water away from the brickwork’s structure.

Try and check if the drainage system does precisely that. If it does, then you’re in the clear. If not, then you’ll need to hire a contractor to work on rerouting the drainage system. It can cost you, but it’s better to do it now so that you won’t have any more problems later on.


Chimney importance is crucial for the survival of your home’s brickwork. If you don’t attend to it, you will be dealing with many structural problems, which are time-consuming and expensive. Think about it this way: you’re not only saving your home but also you and other people who live with you.

Red Robin Masonry specializes in giving top-quality masonry services in Toronto. We believe that your home is your haven, which is why our contractors who specialize in all types of brickwork will do everything they can to keep it that way. Contact us today to learn more!

Not to be confused with the Freemasons, masonry is one of the oldest skilled trades in the world, dating as far back as six thousand years ago. But what exactly does a mason do? Well, this article will cover the basics you need to know about masonry.

What Is a Mason?

A mason is essentially a builder. They can work with a variety of materials and build a range of structures. Due to their expertise in the field, a mason contractor can help you throughout a building project, offering expert opinions that may help you make the most out of the project. They can also specialize in different materials, notably stone, brick, and concrete.


Stonemasons are stoneworkers that are well-experienced in the handling of stone materials, whether natural or manufactured. They are also equipped to handle veneer products. Stonemasons are often hired to build different installations, such as walls and flooring. With their skill, they can manipulate the stone to fit any design you would wish to have. And if you have any questions regarding the project or need an opinion about the different options you need to choose from, a stonemason can help you out.

Brick Masons

Brick masons are also called bricklayers. They are a type of mason specializing in handling bricks, whether it’s solid, veneer, real, or manufactured. Being a brick mason requires care and attention, as they need to create clean and uniform lines. With no room for mistakes, careful expertise and skill are definitely needed to succeed in this field.

Concrete Masons

This type of mason often works with block and poured concrete. When working with poured concrete, the concrete mason has to perform precise levelling and finishing. They also have to consider the weather, as it can affect the rate the cement hardens. Since concrete often requires support from metal reinforcements, concrete masons must also be able to work with these metal reinforcements.

Masonry Repair

While masonry mainly deals with the building of a structure, a mason’s job is not only limited to that. Some masons may also choose to focus on the maintenance, repair, and restoration of already existing structures. Mason repair and restoration contractors often work on historical structures to help rebuild sections and fix damages.

Common Masonry Work

Masonry work can take many forms. For example, you may hire a stonemason to install beautiful stonework in your garden walkway to enhance your landscaping. Or perhaps you want to get professional work done on your fireplace and chimney to make it a noticeable feature in your home. Homeowners may also hire a mason to get clean lines for their brick walls and install natural stone in their home’s interior as an accent wall.

Final Thoughts

As one of the world’s oldest skilled trades, masonry work can offer a lot of value to your home. Whether you want to build walls or pathways, a mason can help you achieve the desired result and provide you with expert opinions to help guide you through the project.

Get quality masonry work for your home project from Red Robin Masonry. We are a masonry company in Toronto whose top priority is to bring you the quality and service you deserve. With our vast inventory of tools and equipment, we are equipped to take on any project, big or small. At Red Robin Masonry, our job is to ensure that our clients feel comfortable every step of the way. Get a quote today!

You may be unaware of when you should be repointing or replacing brickwork. When masonry is deteriorating, it indicates the possibility of more serious issues. But at the get-go, you must know that not every masonry is as strong as it appears. In some cases, it could be prone to failure if they’re not properly cared for. With the help of brick repair services and professional advice, you can assess accurately. Here are some signs that brickwork should be replaced:

The Rusty Brick

Damaged brickwork may allow additional moisture into your home or risk the wall’s structural soundness. Sometimes, masonry adapts to damage organically over time, especially if it contains lime mortar. Due to this, broken bricks may require removal and replacement.

The Incorrect Pointing

Perhaps the masonry was pointed in such a way that it inadvertently damaged the wall. This is possible if modern cement mortar is utilised instead of traditional lime mortar. Modern mortars may be able to hold moisture and keep it from evaporating through joints, but this would force moisture into the brick faces, where it may freeze and destroy the bricks.

The Efflorescence

Efflorescence refers to white deposits that form on brickwork as a result of rising salt-containing water. The good news is that efflorescence almost never causes structural damage to brickwork. However, if the way the bricks are manufactured contributes to efflorescence, replacing them may be the best option.

The Filthy or Burnt Surface

Cleaning brickwork must be done correctly. Otherwise, you run the risk of damaging the masonry. For one, aggressive chemical cleaning would be required to remove the burnt surface of the brick, but it may leave stains. The use of water causes efflorescence. If you’re new to this process, begin with a small area when deciding on a larger one.

The Dampness

When water moves from a high location, such as your roof and into your home, in your home to a low position can also cause penetrating dampness. Dampness may become more noticeable as your wood flooring is deteriorating or your plaster is cracking.

Questions To Ask Yourself:

  • Is it possible to turn the brick around?

If the brick’s outside has worn away, remove it and reinstall it in the wall to reveal the brick’s reverse. This is a fantastic method for preserving old structures since it keeps the bricks uniform and adds beauty.

  • Is the Structure Built in a Sustainable Way?

If the entire structure is unstable, whether leaning, bowing, or otherwise, the entire wall may need to be replaced.

  • How Much Damage Is There?

Understanding what is causing the damage to your bricks may help you decide whether to repair or replace the structure. The critical step is to address the root cause to avoid recurring problems.


When you look out for the warning signs, the better your chances of detecting and preventing problems. Water damage, crumbling mortar, and mortar fractures are all classic indicators of a problem. And, of course, the goal is to repair the mortar before it causes damage to the brickwork. So be attentive to the details. This will help you in the long run!

Are you looking for masonry services in Toronto? Red Robin Masonry has a track record of being the best in the field. We offer first-class tools, industry expertise, and well-trained professionals. Don’t hesitate to call us and get your free estimate today!

A stone fireplace can significantly enhance your home’s interior aesthetic, for it radiates a rustic elegance while keeping your space warm and comfortable. If you have a stone fireplace at home, it will serve as the focal point of any room—it’s a work of art on its own, with a magnificent decorative element!

Designing your stone fireplace can help it look even more stunning. You may use either modern or classic design ideas or even paint it over with your colours of choice. If you are having trouble thinking up ideas on how you can remodel your fireplace, this article is for you.

To help you get started with designing your stone fireplace, here are three essential factors that you should consider. 


  1. The Color and Style of Stone Trims

To begin designing your stone fireplace, you must select its overall style and specific colours. Consider adding keystones and other stone trim. There are several kinds of stones to choose from, and your final design depends largely on your preferred aesthetic and fireplace functionality. 

If you are having trouble choosing the right colour and style, or you’re wondering about stone trim, you can visit fireplace showrooms to get an idea of how the final product will look. As you look through the examples, you will indeed arrive at design decisions much more quickly. You can bring home sample boards so you can visualize your future fireplace.

Remember, your design choices should suit your interior aesthetic! Take as much time as you need when choosing these elements to create the most beautiful fireplace for your home.


  1. The Type of Mantel

When designing your fireplace, you have to decide whether or not to include a mantel. If you choose to have one, you may contact any masonry company in Toronto as they will provide you with the best mantel works for stone fireplaces.

If you want a mantel along with your fireplace, your design should be based on your stone choice. After all, the overall structure should be as harmonious as possible. The mantel will be installed in conjunction with stone veneers. Professional stone workers in Toronto can help you with mantel installation, too. 


  1. The Hearthstone Design

One of the last steps in the design process is choosing between manufactured or natural stone veneers. Manufactured stone is much more cost-effective than natural stone. But if you want something to make your place more gorgeous with a more significant impact, natural stone veneers are a fantastic investment!

Hearthstones typically complement stone veneers, so you should also choose your preferred design. You should make sure that your hearthstone looks as good as your stone veneer, and their individual designs go well together.


Final Thoughts

When designing your fireplace, you should think about these three essential factors. Moreover, make sure that you consider the effects of installing any material on the overall atmosphere of your area. If you feel like you’re floundering, you don’t have to go through the process on your own! You can seek help from professionals that provide home restoration services in Toronto.

To get the best design for your stone fireplace, work with Red Robin Masonry, an experienced and reliable masonry company in Toronto. Call us at 416-206-8859 and get a quote today!!

When you’re getting your house constructed or renovated, it is important that the results meet your expectations. In order to achieve that, you need to hire the best professionals—including the best mason. The masonry is one of the most important aspects of your house. If it isn’t correctly done, your house may not have a safe structure.

Here are the benefits of hiring the right mason:

  1. They Have the Right Skills and Expertise

During the construction project, you don’t want just anyone to do the masonry job for you. Masons are very skilled in their field, which involves a lot of concrete, bricks, and stones. These are the materials needed to build the foundation of your home. Even the smallest issue can result in bigger problems throughout the whole process, so you need a qualified mason to do the job.

  1. They Are Qualified to Build Your House

Masons and masonry contractors are very much qualified for the job. A mason can read the blueprints of your home, and also have strong mathematical skills needed for accurate and stable construction. They also have great stamina to do the job and the strength and equipment to handle these heavy materials.

  1. They Own the Right Tools

It is impossible to overstate that you’ll need someone who has the right equipment and tools. If you’re planning to do the masonry job by yourself, you might not own the right equipment. This might affect your home structure. Masons own all the proper equipment needed for masonry. They have brick splitters, trowels, line stretchers, and masonry jointers. Masons are experts in using these tools as well.

  1. They Have Insurance

Masons always do the right job during construction, but if something goes wrong, which is sometimes unavoidable, their company and contractor should have liability insurance. This will save you from any financial problems if there is any damage that needs to be fixed. Masons are really good at their job, so you won’t have to worry about damage and injuries most of the time.

How Much Are Masonry Services?

Masonry services depend on the mason and the masonry contractor. However, be skeptical if the fees are lower than the normal rate. Ask why their rates are low and about the benefits from their services. As the saying goes, “You get what you pay for.” You don’t want to waste your money on bad service. So, ask a lot of questions of the contractor, and know if the price they’re asking is worth it.

The Bottom Line

Hiring a qualified and professional mason is worth it. They will ensure that your house is constructed very well. After all, you want your future home to be in the best condition. So, make sure to look for the right mason and masonry contractor.

If you’re in need of masonry services in Toronto, you can contact us, Red Robin Masonry! We make sure to give our clients the best masonry service their home needs. We are aware and we understand that your home is possibly your biggest investment in life, so we want to give justice to your construction project. Contact us for your masonry inquiries!

If you’re planning to build your home from scratch instead of moving into a house, you have to go through a long process that involves picking out all the materials and hiring the right people. While it will take longer to do, it is often worth it because you know what you’re spending for, and you’re selecting everything according to your preferences.

Homeowners who wish to make their houses look luxurious and durable could choose a masonry material for best results. It can easily meet your needs because you can select from various colours, designs, and finishes. 

Masonry is an affordable solution that allows you to acquire a kind of construction material that can guarantee your home will last for a long time. Keep reading below to find out why calling for Toronto masonry services is necessary for completing the look of your property.  


It Is Hard-Wearing


When you hire a contractor to build your home using masonry, you can expect it to be durable and stand the test of time compared to other kinds of materials. After performing the installation correctly, stone and brick can stay in place for over a hundred years.

Besides, masonry is known to be the toughest material, so experiencing damage will be the least of your worries when it comes to your hard-wearing home. Because of its sturdiness, any major occurrence brought about by weather changes, such as extreme heat, rain, or snow, won’t be a problem for masonry. 


It Is Fire-Proof

Concrete masonry and brick consist of a mixture of clay, silica, and cement, which means you and your family’s safety is a top priority. Besides that, the heavy-duty materials offer insulation and are resistant to fire and water, safeguarding you from any potential accidents involving the elements. 

Due to masonry’s benefits, plenty of residential homes prefer it for their construction rather than settle for other alternatives. They serve as an ideal solution for building any kind of establishment that won’t burn or experience significant damage over time.  


It Is Eco-Friendly

Using brick or concrete masonry to build your home highlights energy efficiency, perfect if your electricity bills are often one of your primary concerns at home. The material prevents any establishment from overheating, especially during the summer season and the temperatures are high.

Having masonry in place keeps your house cool at all times, even without running electricity, to operate your cooling system indoors. It’s all thanks to the thermal mass of brick or concrete masonry. In fact, every time direct sunlight hits masonry, the material absorbs the heat to keep the temperature cool indoors and prevent your electricity from going up.


It Is Impressive

Depending on masonry services to construct your home or office building can guarantee that your place will last for an extended period, all while providing an aesthetically pleasing exterior. Since brick or concrete masonry does not corrode and form rust in the long run, unlike other building materials, it will remain clean and nice to look at.

When you maintain the upkeep of your home or office, and you plan to sell your establishment in the future, you preserve its value and convince interested buyers to view your property. Moreover, you don’t have to initiate any unnecessary repairs because your masonry will be sure to remain in good condition.



Choosing masonry as the main material for constructing your home is a fantastic investment. It’s hard-wearing, fire-proof, and eco-friendly and offers impressive results. Besides that, you can also depend on brick or concrete masonry to build your business establishment that’s sure to stay standing for the years to come.

Are you looking to hire a masonry company in Ontario for your home construction? Red Robin Masonry provides masonry solutions for homes and businesses in need. Get in touch with us today to request a quote!

Having a poor use of outside space for housing is a popular issue due to the lack of careful thought given to the landscaping and masonry. Fortunately for your house, things can be different! By getting stone retaining walls, you have the perfect addition to gardens and other green spaces around the home. It can even boost the property’s overall value and curb appeal. If you want to have a deeper appreciation of what you are getting yourself into, consider the following benefits: 

  • Provides aesthetic value and functionality 


According to our Toronto masonry service professionals, stone retaining walls serve as a preventive solution for soil erosion, primarily big mounds of earth that can fall and destroy surrounding areas. They are placed in areas with a significant height difference, so the wall is meant to counteract the land’s gravitational pull, which can be a major issue during strong rains.


Another positive thing about stone retaining walls is they can enhance your exterior’s look and feel since they almost have this mountain-like, rustic vibe. Some can even look as organized as brick walls! Whatever style you opt for, it can serve as an aesthetically pleasing improvement to boost your house’s overall appeal, which is great for passersby, guests, and neighbours! 

  • Can last for a long time and doesn’t require too much maintenance


House masonry projects are a privilege to have, but you may be wary of getting them because of the upkeep costs and longevity. For instance, suppose you have a traditional brick chimney that pays homage to a more traditional way of living. While they can look impressive, they often require a lot of preventive maintenance. The good news is that is not the case for stone retaining walls, as they can even withstand the test of time. 


Stone is known as one of the most structurally sound products used for construction, and you can easily put this to work with something as solid as retaining walls. Some can even last up to 40 years, meaning it can even outlive some house structures, like roofing and flooring! You just have to pressure wash it when it has some visible contaminants and work with a trusted contractor to guide you. 

  • Comes in a wide variety of options for your own choosing 


What you may be concerned about when opting for stone retaining walls is the lack of options for building materials. It may be because you are not necessarily a fan of grey, black, and other earthy tones that correspond to stonework. 


Remember, this project may need a sizeable amount of money, time, and effort to pull off, so the results should be worthwhile. Luckily, there is a range of options to choose from!

For example, let’s say you want to go for a more environmentally friendly choice since some stone building practices may not be as favourable as you would like. In that case, you can request a gabion, a wired structure designed to function as a cage. It can hold the rocks and other retaining materials inside. Alternatively, you can request your chosen masonry company to present different possibilities and make an informed decision! 




Opting for stone retaining walls for your house is a great way to improve your overall quality of life through landscaping and other outdoor improvements. It can even have lasting effects on reselling valuable properties, especially in the long run. So, remember all the benefits mentioned above and get professional tradespeople to do the job like us to maximize your assets. 


Red Robin Masonry is your reliable source for the best masonry services in Toronto, especially when it comes to your home and stoneworks. Our team of experienced contractors is dedicated to any project, and we see to it that you are fully satisfied with the finished product. Request your quote today through our website or contact us at 416-206-8859 if you have any questions!